36: Date Night pt 2

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The drive was silent. Kenma looked prettier then you, as always. His hair was in a low loose bun and his hands were adorned with his usual rings. He had a pretty chain around his neck along with some earrings in his ears. Hinata did in fact buy him a matching outfit, so apart from accessories and physical features, you guys were identical.


He pulled over onto the side of the road and put the car in park before tapping your thigh.

"We're here."


This date was certainly....awkward. Kenma couldn't figure out why though. You were just unusually quiet. You sipped on your juice box that you insisted on getting instead of something actually filling while Kenma ate a slice of pizza.

You stood up and offered your hand to him, which he gladly took and you guys rolled into the rink holding hands.

"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Then tell me what's going on."

He skated a little further ahead of you and spun on his heel, facing you as he skated backwards.

"I can't tell you, well like here at least."
"Then let's leave."

You stared at his back as he skated off the rink before sitting down, taking off the skates to replace them with his shoes.

You skated over before plopping down next to him and doing the same.


Once you were outside, Kenma took you to the ice cream parlor to get you something to eat before the spilled the beans. Now you sat underneath a red and white stripped umbrella, licking your f/f ice-cream.

Taking out the stick from your purse you slid it across the table, avoiding eye-contact with Kenma.

"You're pregnant?"

You nodded and licked your cone again, looking anywhere but Kenma's face.

"I'm getting rid of it."

The normal tone in his voice not showing a hint of surprise or worry surprised you, and you looked at him from the side of your eye.

"You're not mad?"
"Nah, you already told me you don't want kids. I honestly don't want them either. I mean the thought of a family is nice but actually raising one...eh."
"I don't know why I stressed over it then."
"Do you wanna go now? I have one more place I wanna go."

You nodded and instead of going to the car, he got up and began walking down the road. You were confused for a second but jogged to catch up, slipping your hand into his while still licking your ice cream. He gave it a gentle squeeze as you turned the corner.

As you kept walking, your surroundings became more and more familiar.

"Kenma...are we going to..?"

Soon your old school came into view. You guys walked towards the gym and he opened the door, the squeaking of shoes and volleyballs hitting the gym floor halted as a bunch of teenage boys turned to look at you guys. A guy with fluffy light brown hair came up to you, about the same height as kenma, slightly taller though.

"Sorry sir but I'll have to ask you to leave, this is private property."

Kenma pulled out his wallet and his old student ID and showed the guy.

"She's an alum too, she just didn't know we were coming."

The teenager's eyes flickered up and down the length of your body, eyeing you curiously.

"If you're Kenma...then you're...l/n f/n. Right?"

You nodded hesitantly, before remembering you were famous.

Kenma started to take off his rings and bracelets before putting them in his pocket.

"want me to set a few for ya?"

The wing spikers, at least you assumed that's what they were, nodded frantically and Kenma jogged onto the court shaking his wrists out.


It'd been about 10 minutes, and the boys were eager to watch an alum, let alone a previous setter put his old learnings into play for the first time in a while. Not only did he set for the spikers, he taught their current setter a few of his tricks, as well as how to adjust his position so the ball got more air.

While you were on your phone a few of the balls got set a little high into the stands. When they did, you would get up and retrieve them before tossing them back onto the court. This time, one was coming right at your face, and reflexively, you dropped your phone in your lap and caught the ball.

Liking the feeling of it in your hands you took your eyes off the court, spinning it a little, until a small paper taped to it caught your eye. You stopped spinning it, and held the ball reading the message inscribed on the paper.

"Will you marry me?"

You glanced up to see Kenma on a knee on the court floor with a white ring box in hand. A few strands of his hair framing his smiling face as he proceeded to pop the question.

"You said you wanted a nice proposal right? Well uh, at first I considered like an expensive restaurant, or like stargazing on a hill or something sappy like that. And I know this place surrounded by sweaty teenagers in a gym court probably isn't the place you expected, but I also said I would do it when you least expect. Besides, this place means a lot to me. It's where I first noticed you, remember? I know the weddings the brides day, so I was hoping I could have a little fun with the proposal. I mean, these months with you y/n, have been months that I would've never dreamed of having. I genuinely thought I was gonna be lonely for the rest of my life before I met you. And you know I love you, and I'd do just about anything for you. I love your flaws, that hideous face you make when you fall asleep in the car, the way you run around the house screeching when you see a fly, how you push your feet under me in your sleep so they don't get cold. I love it all. I love you. So uh, will you marry me y/n?"

You didn't realize you were crying until you were running down the stand steps and into his arms.

When you reached him you instinctively jumped and wrapped your legs around his torso, and your arms around his neck, burying your face in the crook of his neck. He embraced you back and flipped off one of the boys snickering at the scene.

"That's a yes right?" he mumbled so only you could hear him.

"I wouldn't say no if someone offered me the world a thousand times over."

𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧  (𝘬. 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now