25: Secret Ring

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Hinata was right, Kageyama did make several attempts to court you, showing up at your house uninvited, making public scenes, but Kenma was always there to ward him off. For example....

-a week after hinata spilling the tea-

"Let's go out to eat some junk food."
"You sure?"
"yea, I'm in the mood for some right now."

You guys walked hand in hand down the street and down the hill you lived on, getting to the bottom and walking into a fffs/n (favorite fast-food store).

What you didn't realize is Kageyama was walking past the store when he glanced inside, contemplating if he should get you ff/n before he walked up the hill to your house.

He paused when he saw you inside, but instead took it as an opportunity, slamming the door open. All eyes turned to the guy when he got down on a knee, holding out a bouquet of red roses to you.

"Uh- Ms, heres your food." the cashier handed you the bag and you took it, then she slid you your drink and Kenma his. He sipped it, while looking down at Kageyama's pathetic state.

"Are you so shameless you must make a public scene?"
"Y/n, please, I was wrong, give me another chance."

You took the bouquet of roses and handed it to Kenma.

"Stop. You have a reputation to uphold, and you're smearing mine."

The two of you walked past him and on the way out Kenma tossed the bouquet into a trashcan, before you guys walked up the hill again. Leaving Kageyama to walk out the food place with his head down, walking past a group of snickering highschool girls.


Kenma and Kuroo walked down mainstreet, both disguised as to not get bombarded with fans. As they walked, Kuroo was on the phone with Hana, arguing about the date they had planned for later.

"No, baby we aren't going on a whole vacation, we have two- almost three kids! Plus that babysitter's a bitch, Tetsurō said so, so I'm not leaving them with her longer then I have to. No- he didn't say bitch, he said she's mean and doesn't let him hold Akari when we're not home. You rented a penthouse?!? Babe!?"

Kenma glanced at the stores as they walked past them, until one of the displays in the window caught his eye.

"Wait for me here."

He walked into the store and towards the front desk, tapping the bell for the lady to come. She walked over and eyed him skeptically, smirking to herself.

"How may I help you?"
"How much is that. Actually, don't even tell me, I want it either way."

He pointed at the ring in the display case, and she rolled her eyes impatiently.

"Sir, that is worth around 4 thousand US dollars. Judging from your...attire, I doubt you can afford it. Save yourself some embarrassment and leave."

Kenma's eyes trailed down the length of her body smirking behind his mask at her pathetic attempt to insult his outfit, while she was wearing...whatever that was. He pulled down his mask, letting it rest underneath his chin, and pulled off his cap shaking his head a little, letting his hair fall around his shoulders. She let out a small gasp, recognizing him instantly, of course, since he was known by people who didn't even take interest in gaming. He ran his hand through his hair, scoffing.

"I don't even know where to start. That fake Rolex? The off-brand suit? Don't even get me on your shoes. I saw those at target when I was getting my girlfriend pads. You insult my attire yet everything about you is fake. The cheap nose-job, crappy botox, atrocious lip fillers....and that perfume..whew, what is that? Bath and Body works? Smells cheap as fuck. You're lucky I don't call your manager right now, your customer service is absolute shit. You're tell me to leave and save myself embarrassment? You're embarrassing yourself just standing there."

The few people in the store turned their attention to the scene, some of them snickering at Kenma completely shutting her down. He looked to the side and saw a girl, who actually looked professional and looked like she would actually help him instead of trying to insult him.

"You! Purple hair." The girl with the dyed violet hair twisted into a low bun raised an eyebrow, since she was already looking in their direction prior to him addressing her.

"May I help you..?"
"I want that ring in the display."

She nodded and went to go box up the ring to ring it up for him.


Walking out the store Kenma pulled his mask back up, pulling his cap on as well.

"Kuro, let's go."
"What's that?"
"none of your buisness."
"Why so harshhhh."
"I'm not being harsh, it's just none of your buisness."

Kuroo pouted before becoming serious again

"If it's a ring, don't do it yet. It's too early, you'll scare her."
"I wasn't going to. I thought...a promise ring maybe?"
"That's better."

Kenma rolled his eyes but thought about it while they walked to the car.

Would he really scare you off by introducing marriage?

𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧  (𝘬. 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now