33: Assurance

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He smiled leaned over and peppered your face with kisses, moving to your jawline and then your neck and back up, occasionally giving you a peck on the lips.

"But only if you propose again. In a pretty setting. I sound selfish I know but I can't say you proposed to me on a couch with no ring, that's boring."
"of course, I'll buy you a proper ring and do it when you least expect it."
"well if you just told me I'm gonna expect it. "
"Trust me, you won't."

You laughed and gave him a kiss on the forehead before standing up.

"It's 5pm and I don't feel like streaming soooo, do you wanna do an insta live?"


Stickyourtongueinmyasshole_382948: Imagine their kids tho
slutfory/n4208: sheesh y/n is so fucking hot, wish I was kenma
theboyz66666482: She overhyped, my boy kenma could do better

You yawned and fell back onto the bed curling up in a ball when kenma accepted the request to join the stream from a random 'fan'.

"Kenma, first off, your hot as fuck. Second, I'd let you blow my back out. Third, can you add me on discord pleasee?"

You perked up a bit and moved, so you were propped up on your elbows. Kenma didn't say anything but instead looked at you. He raised an eyebrow and you shrugged in response.

"and before you say no, just wait. I have a reason why you should."

Kenma kicked his feet onto the bed and moved to your side, his chin resting on the black of his hands while he looked at the screen, giving a nod for the girl to go.

She smiled, and took this as an opportunity to start. Clearly her throat she lifted her phone and played a video of you about to go in your house, but before you could Bokuto scooped you up and left kisses all over your face, and when he put you down, Akaashi gave you a simple cheek kiss. In return, you gave them both one kiss on either side of their face before heading inside. You could see how it looked to an outsider, one that did not know how affectionate you could be with your close friends.

"Care to comment, slut?"

You rolled your eyes and sat up. Scoffing at the camera you gave the girl a disgusted look.

"What are you? A fucking stalker?"

"You really went digging into my personal life to find useless blackmail? How old are you, like 15?"

"Last time I checked my boyfriend was 22, if anything, you're trying to make him catch a case thinking the two of you could ever get together. Second, those two are a married couple, and a kiss on the cheek is how I say bye to all my friends. Third, you really think it's cute to come on a live with thousands of people on it and flirt with an engaged man shamelessly? Go re-think your life."

You scoffed before scooting closer to kenma, crossing your arms and glaring down the girl as she hadn't left the live.

"En-engaged?" she stuttered out, her eyes widening in shock.

Kenma had a cheeky grin on his face while he waited for response, you looked flushed as you opened your mouth to explain and nothing came out.

"Aweeee, babe, you couldn't wait to tell the world we're getting married. Cute."

He leaned over and kissed your cheek, the idiotic smile still on his face.

"I..I um. I'm getting food." you huffed, and stood up, shuffling to the fridge and opening it.

You glanced over the tasteless shit in it before settling on making a sandwich.

You popped the bread in the toaster and waited, the realization that marriage was in your future.

Truth be told, you weren't this scared when Kageyama proposed to you. Perhaps it was because of the lack of sexual attraction. Two attractive people who saw nothing in each others bodies, but rather an interest in personality. But that's all it was. Just an interest now that you think about it. You never really loved Kageyama. You just enjoyed his presence and the comfort he brought with him. There was nothing about him that you loved.

But Kenma.

There were so many things you could say you loved about him. First of all, his eyes. The intensity of them was always replaced by want and need when he was with you. His hands, how they un-consciously sought out yours at the most random times. His lips, how they brushed against your skin just to see you shiver underneath him. His laugh, although rare, was beautiful. And the way he always attempted to blow stray strands of hair out of his face. When he failed, he would get upset and begrudgingly push them away with his hand instead. His love for apple pie, specifically when you made it. How he found some way to be touching you almost all the time. Maybe these were things that made you scared to marry him. Because if anything went wrong you would lose all of it, and you didn't want that.

"Y/n?" you felt his breath against your ear, and you snapped out of your trance, realizing you accidentally spread too much mayo on your bread. You frowned and sighed, scooping some off and putting it back in the jar. His arms were around your waist while he rested his chin on your shoulder, watching you fix your sandwich.

"Something wrong?"

You shook your head and cut the sandwich in half, offering him a bite. He accepted and chewed while looking at the dull look on your face.

"Oh common, tell me. I'm your fianceeeeee. You can tell me when somethings up."
"That's it."

You frowned and put the sandwich back on the plate and turned around to face him. His hands rested on your waist while he looked at you curiously.

"You're my fiance. I wouldn't say I'm having second thoughts but I'm scared you might. Barely any marriages work out, there are exceptions but literally half the people we went to school with are already divorcing their partners. If you get bored, and decide that this isn't what you want, you'll leave me. I can't help but be weary of that."

The corners of his mouth curved downward into a frown, and his hand found yours, sliding his fingers in the gaps between yours before lifting your joined hands to his mouth and kissing the back of your hand.

"Y/n. If I'm being honest with you, you're my first love. I've never taken interest in any other girl and I doubt I'll do so in the future. I have no intentions of ever letting you out my life. Please just trust me on this."

You nodded and let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding before he leaned in, closing the space between your lips.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, so there was barely any space between your bodies. He pulled away for a second, an inch between your lips.

"Let me take you on a date, mk?"

You nodded before pulling him back in again, letting his hands roam your body.

Tonight would be fun.

𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧  (𝘬. 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now