18: Again

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The date kept replaying in your head, over and over again. Especially the car scene. Especially that.

Just..his lips against yours. Just that. That feeling, the sexual tension finally being broken. You wanted it again.

Fumbling for your phone you pulled it out, dialing Hana. She picked up on the third ring.

"Oh my gosh he actually managed to change a diaper by himself y/n." she squealed and then regained her composure.

"OK ok, so what's up?"

"One, screw you for interrupting us. Two, I can't stop thinking about it Hana, it was addictive."

"You guys would've had car sex if me and Hinata didn't interrupt you."


"Someones horny. As for the other thing, that's normal y/n. I know I wanted more after my first taste of Kuroo. Almost everyone does when they finally kiss the person they like and it's good."

You thought to yourself while standing up and heading to your kitchen. Pulling out a can of sprite you sipped it before responding.

"Well, enough of my problems, how was last night?"

"Sakusa refused to come out of his corner, he sprayed everyone who came near him, with the exception of Hinata, with a spray can full of bleach. Bokuto and Akaashi cuddled on the couch for most of the night, except when Kuroo came over Bokuto finally got up to play Just Dance with him and Hinata. That's basically what went on last night, you went straight to your room that you didn't realize most of us were still sleeping in the basement so we snuck out like an hour before you woke up."




"I didn't even- Y/N!"

"Yea? Sorry just- lost in thought."

"About Kenma?"

"yea...uh huh."

"Y/N! That's it I'm hanging up."

Once you heard the dial tone you snapped out of your fantasies and scowled. But your phone lit up a second later with the name "Dickwad" printed across the screen.

Answering you brought the phone to your ear and spoke.


"Y/n, can you come over?"

"Eh? Okay."

He hung up leaving you slightly confused but curious.

Standing up you jogged up the stairs and walked to your room. Walking over to your closet, you substituted the tank top you were wearing for an oversized shirt. You hummed a little as you did, curious to what he wanted, and why he sounded so desperate.

Grabbing your phone and your keys you slid them into your pants pocket and jogged down the stairs, opening your front door and stepping out, locking it behind you.

It was a nice day outside, sunny and a slight breeze ruffled your clothes.

Stepping up to his door you rung the doorbell and waited for a few seconds before the door swung opened and he pulled you into the house without warning, closing and locking the door behind you.

"Kenma?" you raised eyebrow confused.

"Something wro-"

In an instant he cupped your face with his hands, bringing your lips to his. His thumb slid over your cheek as he deepened the kiss ever so slightly. You froze up but relaxed, gripping his shirt in your fists as you began to kiss him back.

His hands went from your face to the back of your neck and your lower back, pushing your body closer to his at the same time, tilting your head up. It slowly went from passionate and controlled, to heated, and lustful. Backing you up into the door his hands rested on either side of you, kabedoning you. He pulled away for a second, searching your eyes for something. You both panted, staring at each other until you leaned in, giving him a quick peck before pulling away.

"Do that again." he whispered, gazing at your lips.

You leaned in, giving him another peck on the lips before pulling away.


So you did.


He repeated it multiple times, until you two were both smiling, letting out faint giggles as it turned playful.

"Kenma.." you, looked up from his lips gazing at his eyes.


"I uh...is this why you called me over?"

"Well, at first I wanted you to help me make apple pie.." he gestured over at the kitchen counter, where the ingredients were already set up waiting to be turned into a tasty treat.

"But then I saw you, remembered last night and well- I wanted a taste of something else." he gazed at you, not a hint of mischief hiding behind his smile.

"You're a terrible flirt, come up with something better." you scoffed, letting a smile find its way onto your face.

"You enjoy it though, don't you?"

You nodded, before pulling him into yet another heated makeout session. When you guys finally pulled away, giving your lips a break, he kissed your forehead and held your hand, as you walked into the kitchen to make pie.

(y'all im not good at writing spicy scenes, so when the lemon chapter does come up, don't expect it to be the best)

𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧  (𝘬. 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now