4: Late Night Texts

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Your eyes widened realized how fucked you were atm.

"No no no no nooooo. Why me!" You groaned before you heard a ding signaling he responded. You breathed in, then out. You were just gonna have to go with it. You didn't like him, but leaving people on read is rude.

[Kenma]: Cuz i'll make you my girlfriend sooner or later.

[You]: How?

[Kenma]: Well first I'll court you for a few weeks, and my irresistible charm will enchant you, therefore leaving you no choice but to confess your undying love for me. Then I'll buy you a condo to seal the deal.

You narrowed your eyes at his pick of place. A condo? How basic did he think you were? And what did he mean always?

[You]: Why a condo?

[Kenma]: Cause condo's hold this weird vibe around them. Like sleeping in one would bring you closer to nature and stuff.

You rolled your eyes at how deep he was being. This wasn't some wattpad story.

[You]: why so deep?

[Kenma]: No reason. Just feeling a bit sentimental.

[You]: Wheres the asshole that was just threatening me with a picture 20 minutes ago?

[Kenma]: he clocks out at 10pm on Saturday nights. Which reminds me, tomorrow's Valentines day right?

You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at his pathetic humor attempt.

[You]: I think so, yea

[Kenma]: Bake me a pie for the occasion?

[You]: Bake ur own fucking pie

[Kenma]: Idk how

[You]: Google it

[Kenma]: Why can't you teach me

You thought to yourself for a second before typing.

[You]: Go in ur kitchen

[Kenma]: why?

[You]: just do it oml

Kenma raised an eyebrow before getting out of bed scratching his head and walking to the kitchen, sitting at the island. He looked down at his phone smirking to himself before texting you back.

[Kenma]: here, what do i do?

Hesitating for a second you pursed your lips. If you entertained him he might get the wrong idea, but you were lonely, so maybe it wouldn't hurt this one time.

[You]: Give me your number

His eyes widened at the screen. Y/n? Asking HIM for his number? He screenshotted the text to show Kuroo later before typing in his number.

[Kenma]: ***-****-****

[You]: I'm facetiming you

"What the fuck-" Kenma started to say outloud before his phone started ringing with your number on the screen. He clicked answer and your face came into view.

What a sight. You could tell he was in bed falling asleep before he texted you. His hair wasn't it's usual half up half down, instead it was completely out and for some reason you wanted to get up and walk over to run your hands through it. He blinked sleepily and yawned accidentally before running his hand through his hair moving some of it away from his face.

"I'm sorry were you in bed already?" You murmured not taking your eyes off of him.

"It's fine. Why'd you wanna call?" he mumbled rubbing his eyes.

You frowned slightly feeling a bit guilty for making him get out of his bed.

"You know, actually, go to bed. We can do it another time."
"I said it's fine. Now, what are we doing?"
"Go splash some water on your face first"

He stood up revealing he had on a white t-shirt and some sweatpants. He did a quick stretch and his shirt rode up a little, and you caught a glimpse of a tattoo. He turned on the water and picked up the hose thingy about to spray some in his hand when it spurted all over the place getting him wet.

You slapped your hand over your mouth and instantly felt your eyes water while you pursed your lips trying not to let a laugh escape. One did anyway. He turned back to the camera frowning with his hair dripping wet and he shook his head.

"Did you rig my kitchen?"
"Nope just pure coincidence."

He rolled his eyes at you before pulling up his shirt to wipe his face. You blinked and all of a sudden you were staring at his figure. He was lean, and unlike most gamers, he seemed to stay in shape. You saw the faint outline of abs but the show was over when he put his shirt back down. For a dickhead he sure had a nice body.

He leaned into the camera narrowing his eyes at you.

"Stop staring at me, it's rude."
"Don't take pictures of other people then blackmail them with it. It's rude."

He rolled his eyes again before picking up his phone again.

"So is there a reason I'm in the kitchen right now?"
"I'm gonna teach you how to bake your own fucking pie."

He raised his eyebrows and glanced at the stove clock.

"At 12:24am?"
"why not?"

𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧  (𝘬. 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now