37: Catch up

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Besties in case you didn't get a notif cuz ur not following me or however that works, first 3 chapters of my new Bokuto fanfic are up huehue.

—-6 months later-—

"Y/n's getting married Akari, isn't that cool?" Hana cooed to her daughter, playing with the toddlers tiny hands.

You rolled your eyes and let out a small squeal as the lady brushed the underside of your foot with one of those scrubby thingies.

"What color are you getting y/n?"

You gasped and covered your mouth at the picture kenma sent you, instantly clicking off your phone and shoving it in your pocket while feeling the blood rush to your cheeks.

It wasn't an inappropriate picture, it was just extremely cute. In the first picture he was at the pet store surrounded by kittens while he attempted to pick one to get. The next picture was of him rolling a little red wagon with high sides out the pet store, the same 6 kittens in the first picture rolling out with him.

Hana kissed her child's forehead before subtly glaring at you, you too much in your own world to notice.

It was so nice. This period of time before being married. Since he proposed officially on that date the two of you were pretty much inseparable. Hana had to literally drag you out today to get your nails and toes done for your bridal shower, Kuroo having to coax Kenma out aswell.

Even Bokuto and Akaashi were tired of your lovey-dubeyness. Just last week Bokuto and Akaashi came over for a slumber party, and when you didn't run to the door to great Bokuto with a hug as you usually did, he sat in the corner for the rest of the night, shooting daggers at Kenma for turning you into this lovesick person you were. Akaashi even showed a hint of disappointment when you snuggled closer to Kenma instead of getting up to give them their goodbye kisses.

You were just too in love to care.

Kenma too, Kuroo and Hinata were fed up of coming over for guy time to see you curled up in the crook of Kenma's arm sleeping without a care in the world.

Did I mention Sano had snuck her way into your friend group?

Ah well- her last name was Miya now. Her given name was Kasumi. And Mrs. Miya Kasumi sat to your right, snoring while the lady did her toes, her husband, Osamu, taking the 3 month old baby off her back so she was finally allowed to have some sort of short relief. She was an awesome friend too. You and her would snicker about all the unlikable qualities of Kageyama while you bottle fed her baby boy, Izumi, who sometimes made you question whether or not you wanted a child with how well behaved he was with you.

"Let me see your ring again?" Hana whispered, still in awe with the engagement ring Kenma had got you. Especially because of the pretty band design.

(No picture sorry, couldn't find any pretty rings)

Tiny leaves were sculpted coming out of the ring, and the smallest of silver roses decorated the space around the actual gem. A pretty diamond ring, not too big, not too small. Engraved on the inside of the band where no one could see were your initials plus his.

Hana gazed at the ring before poking your hip with her finger, directly over your tattoo, a simple puzzle piece in the shape of half a heart, made to match the tattoo on Kenma's abdomen you'd seen over a year ago while teaching him to bake a pie over face-time. Originally, Kuroo made Kenma get it to symbolize the fact that Kenma was a picky asshole who would probably never be able to please a girl enough to win her heart, so his heart would forever be one half of the puzzle piece.

That backfired.

"Hana, what should we name this one."

You pointed at the screen of the pictures Kenma sent you, directly at a little black and yellow spotted kitten.


You thought for a second before nodding, staring at the screen as you unconsciously gave all the kittens food related names in your head.

"Ah...I'm getting married." you murmured as your grip on your phone tightened again.

"Hana come to the abortion clinic with me.." you grumbled as you choked back a happy sob, your emotions going through a roller coaster right now.

"What, is this like the 3rd abortion in the past 6 months y/n? Just have the damn kid. It's obvious your birth control pills are doing a shit job."
"Never." You hissed, shuddering at the thought of having to carry a child around for 9 months just to deal with their weirdness for 18 more years.

Over your dead body would you ever push a child out of your body.

ok now that ur done reading this chp go read the bokuto fic 🤨

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