(Extra) 39: Beach Day/Epilouge

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"This is so fucking good."

You murmured while licking the sauce off your fingers before you bit into another chicken wing. The sweet, savory sauce melted in your mouth while coating your fingers, your husband looking at you slightly disgusted with your sloppy eating before biting into his own.

"Can I have some?"

The small toddler, almost 4 years old sat on Kenma's lap sipping his newfound favorite drink, caprisun. He finished his nuggets and fries, and he pointed at the wing Kenma held in his hand, politely asking if he could have a bite.

Holding the wing in front of the toddlers mouth he allowed his son to take a bite after he said thank you.

"Ma, they'll give me a refill if I go back right?" the older boy, 17 years old, sat in the sun chair next to you looking into the empty cup that was filled to the brim with sprite less then 5 minutes ago. In his other hand he held his phone, an unsent message to one of his classmates in the text box.

You glanced out to lower down on the beach where Tetsuro Jr., Akari, and Haru tossed a beachball back in forth in the water. Kasumi's children, Izumi and Ren played with them. Hinata and his wives kid, Shiro, ran back and forth attempting to catch the ball that was way over her head. Their parents, sat in the sun chairs across from you, all your chairs together arranged in a circle, a ginormous umbrella covering all your things and the chairs as well. Hana and Kuroo snuggled together taking a nap while Osamu and Kasumi sat criss-crossed on the sand, attempting to toss grapes into the others mouth. Hinata and his wife were somewhere on the boardwalk getting ice cream, and you two sat with your kids eating.

It was summer break, and your entire friend group and their families collectively decided to take a group trip to Brazil, suggested by Hinata. He'd been acting as a tour-guide, taking you guys to 5 different beaches in the past 2 days, and introducing you guys to some of the best street shacks and restaurants for breakfast lunch and dinner.

Yuuma, your oldest, stood up and tied his hair into the ponytail, taking a second to grasp the thick, waist length hair in his hands. He sprinted down and cannonballed into the water, coming up soaked to the bone. Winking flirtatiously at a group of teenage girls in the water a few feet away from him when he noticed them, causing them to eye his biceps and blush.

You and Kenma have been married about 18 years at this point, your firstborn accidentally conceived on your honeymoon, your second born on Kenma's birthday. Your life was peaceful, you were the godmother of Hana's youngest and Kasumi's oldest, you stopped streaming about 15 years back, but the money that you and Kenma made combined, along with Kenma's companies money was more then enough to live a comfortable life. Besides, motherhood wasn't as hard as Hana made it out to be. Or maybe you just had good kids.

Both pregnancies went incredibly smoothly, as well as your deliveries. Your eldest was somewhat of a prodigy, solving 7th grade level math problems by the time he entered 1st and graduating high school by the time he was supposed to be going into high school. He was currently about to start his masters degree and he'd given no problems as a child. Your youngest was an angel, cleaning up after himself all the time and even managing to half-way learn how to wash his dishes. Sakusa really had an influence on him, the man actually took a liking to your child and his cleanliness and made it his priority to coach the 3 year old in proper hygiene and cleaning. In fact, he was in the hotel room taking a nap with his cat after cleaning the mess the teens made on one of the suites balconies.

Akaashi and Bokuto were either at the movies with their adopted daughter, or at a club trying to find her a girlfriend. If it was the latter, it was more likely that it was Bokuto running around the club looking for an eligible teen, while Akaashi sat in the corner brushing off people who tried boldly flirting with him.

"Yuuma!" you called out, you now holding the toddler who was sanitizing his hands and wiping the stray sauce from the corner of his lips.

"Take your brother." holding out your son he took him from you and jogged back into the sea using his little brother to attract more girls.

Kenma found his way over to you, adjusting your position so he coud lay down comfortably using your chest as his own pillow.

He mumbled something, pressing a kiss to your neck.

"What was that?"
"Love you wife."
"Love you husband."

"You guys are disgusting."

Glancing up you saw Kuroo and Hana had waken up and were sneering at you cuddling, ignoring the fact Kuroo was braiding Hana's hair while Hana pulled out some nail-polish and began painting Kuroo's toes neon green.

"You're all disgusting."

You both glanced over at Osamu and Kasumi, Kasumi laying on the sand with her ass on Osamu's lap, him pretending to play the bongo drums on her cheeks. It was Osamu who said that, Kasumi was sleeping.

Kenma scoffed at them and turned so none of them were in his line of sight anymore. Under his breath he mumbled a few profanities while you rubbing his back for him.

It was nice. Comfortable. You had lifelong friends, two great sons. A husband who showered you with affection every day, even when he was having a bad one, and 6 cats who were great playmates for Takeru.

Life couldn't get any better could it?

𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧  (𝘬. 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now