12: Old Friends

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After streaming with him, you watched movies in his room, before he walked you over to your house. For some reason, you decided to relieve yourself of the pressure of disliking him. So now, you didn't hold any grudges besides the fact you've been making 3-6 pies a week for him.

It was nice.

Having a friend.

A real one, not one that used you for their personal benefit before disposing of you after completely ruining your life.


He wasn't JUST a friend. Although its been a month and a half since he took that picture of you, you still baked him pies. You would bake them together actually. You would smear some blueberry sauce on his nose and get some flour on yours, wash the dishes together and then binge watch anime while eating the whole pie in one night.

Sometimes you would even fall asleep in the middle of an episode, and then wake up on the couch sprawled across each other.

He opened up to you too, introduced you to his Mom when you came over without asking to find her cooking in the kitchen. She loves you, thinks you guys should get married immediately, screw actually developing a romantic relationship.

Streams were fun too.

You guys grew more comfortable with each other, so the way you interacted was more natural, the little teases and on-camera playfighting also happened off-camera. It wasn't really acting any more. The only thing that never happened was kissing. You guys blocked anyone who asked for you to kiss on a stream, as it was getting annoying, and since you guys weren't ACTUALLY together, it was a bit awkward.

Today you decided you wanted to stream playing COD, but you had to get Kenma to come since he was a natural at it.

You pushed open his front door while answering a fans dm and yelled out to the house. "KENMA."

What you didn't notice was a tall muscular, black haired, 6'2 guy standing in the kitchen chugging a beer. Glancing up from your phone you didn't acknowledge him until the fact there was someone in the kitchen registered in your head. He finished drinking the beer and became aware of your presence.


You two stood there staring at each other for a second when the fridge slammed shut and you guys broke eye contact, looking over to see who made the noise. Immediately you recognized the familiar orange hair. 


The three of you stood there in silence, your eyes flipping back and forth the between the two while theyre eyes just stayed glued to you.


Hinata broke the silence as a giddy smile spread across his face while he jogged over to you, enveloping you in a bear hug.

He lifted you slightly off the floor and you were surprised by how tall and strong he's grown since high school. Returning the hug you ruffled his hair while he set you back down.

"It's been so long but why are you- OH YEA! YOU'RE DATING KENMA NOW RIGHT?"

You raised an eyebrow at first but then remembered he probably didn't know the label was for show.

Shaking your head you let out an airy laugh while trying to regain your composure.

"Me and Kenma aren't dating. The label is for publicity."
"Just the label? So that means everything else is genuine right?"

Your eyes widened as you felt your face get hot and you started to stumble over your words.

"Well I- I think, maybe, I dunno-." you furrowed your brow realizing you didn't really know how Kenma actually felt about you.

"OI!" Kuroo yelled from the kitchen.

Looking past hinata's bulky figure you saw he was probably drunk, his eyes were hooded and he looked unstable, like he was about to fall over.

"I married Hana, hehe." he cooed.

Raising an eyebrow you looked over your memories quickly. Yea, that was right, Hana and Kuroo DID get back together a few weeks after you guys graduated.

"And we have babiessss." his words were slurred and he stumbled over to the couch before flopping down.

"And their names are Kuroo Jr. and Akari. Heh." he murmured before passing out. Cute names though.

Kenma then walked down the stairs, first looking at Kuroo on the couch with a look of disgust, then looking over to the entryway, where u were standing with Hinata.

A genuine smile lit up his face when he saw you, maybe he would save you from having to hang out with these brats.

"Y/n!" he called walking over to you, taking off his hoodie, revealing a v-neck white t-shirt.

Coming closer he paused, seeing Hinata's hand on your waist, you making no attempt to step out of his grasp, and took a double take. Leaning over he slapped Hinata's hand off and took your wrist, pulling you behind him.

"No." he said straight up wagging his finger in Hinata's face.

You and Hinata burst out laughing at Kenma's protectiveness of you. You, especially amused by the fact that Hinata was the closest thing you had to a best friend in highschool, and even though he was all beefy, you still couldn't see him in that light.

"Chill out Kenma, It's not like that." you said in between giggles.

He looked back and forth between you and Hinata laughing before scoffing.

"better not be like that." he grumbled, tightening his hold on his wrist.

Turning to you, completely ignoring Hinata he furrowed his brow.

"Why are you here anyway?"

Glaring at him you scowled.

"So I can't come and see my fake boyfriend when he has guests?" you grumbled, pinching his cheek.

"Well I mean you can come over anytime, but like, you never come without wanting something. What do ya need?"



"No i need you to come over and stream cod with me dumbass. Hinata can come too, it's like a mini friend group of celebs." You laughed at your little remark and he smiled. Hinata looked back and forth between the two of you smirking. He knew for sure this relationship was gonna last.

Nodding, he pushed past Hinata with you trailing behind, he started to walk down the path with you.

Hinata looked back and forth between Kuroo and you guys frantically before whipping out his phone, dialing Hana as he jogged to catch up with you two.


"Kenma you son of a bastard." you grumbled, after Kenma just stole ANOTHER one of your kills. Hinata peered over the top of your chair while Hana massaged Kuroo's head in the background, him having a painful headache after waking up.

Hinata had told Hana to come over with Kuroo after he came around, and she was thrilled to see you. You two even had a girls night in planned for Friday.

Turning your head a bit you quickly kissed Kenma's cheek stunning him for a second, so you could steal one of his kills. He sat there shocked for a second before pausing the game.

"Do that again.." he murmured pointing to his cheek. Smiling, you gave him another cheek kiss, in which his face instantly heated up.

Chat went crazy again, never getting tired of the cuteness of your "relationship"

"Kiss her on the lips Kenma." Hinata whispered.

Reaching up with a flushed face Kenma tried slapping Hinata, but he dodged.


An hour later you all sat in your in home movie theater, downstairs in your basement, sprawled all over the floor, with you and Kenma on the couch.

You leaned into him, his arm wrapped around your back hugging you close. Your head rested on his chest while you slowly started to doze off.

"You know, you're a pretty good actor." that made you wake up.

𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧  (𝘬. 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now