16: Confessions

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The chat was confused, immediately they all started sending condolences, donations of pity, etc. Before he further explained his words.

"We were never dating actually, it was just a stunt for publicity."

The chat went from sympathetic and sad, to angry and outraged at what they were hearing.

"I understand you might be upset with us, hell y/n's probably gonna get mad at me for telling you guys without telling her first. But I had to. I did develop feelings for her over that time we were fake dating, and I want her to be my real girlfriend. The way I acted with her was completely me, that wasn't fake."

The chat, was honestly bipolar at this point.

"I've screwed up with her a lot in the past two weeks, hence, our lack of streaming, but if I wanna...fix things, I have to start somewhere. So I'm being honest with you guys first, me and y/n aren't dating, we never were. If I do somehow, by some miracle get her to be my girlfriend, for real this time, I didn't want you guys under the illusion that we've been dating the whole time. I want you guys to know, if it happens, that it's real."

*y/nscumslut3849 donated $5*: "K, buddy, I'll let this one slide, but if you go and ask my wife out looking like that I'm suing. Go clean up at least."

He smiled, said thank you, and ended the stream, getting up to go freshen up.


You stared at your phone, looking at the incoming dms from your fans about Kenma's stream. You were woken up from your phone blowing up, so you weren't quite processing what they were saying.

Something about Kenma revealing your shared secret. Whatever that was supposed to mean.

Yawning you went to your private bathroom and wet your toothbrush about to put toothpaste on it when it registered.


You hurried and brushed your teeth so your breath didn't stink while you yelled at him and you pulled on a random hoodie, sprinting over to his house.

Banging on the door you were infuriated, reasonable thoughts not even bothering to try and make their way into your head.


The door slowly swung open to reveal Kenma standing in some basketball shorts and a white tee, his hair dripping wet and a towel slung around his shoulders.

Reaching out you gripped his shirt, bring him down to your level.

"You fucking idiot. Don't you ever, EVER, do some shit like this without asking me first." you whispered harshly, right in his face.

"Hey, y/n. Finally talking to me yea? I missed you." he murmured, his self control slowly getting torn apart by the closeness of your bodies.

You blinked once, your face going through the 5 stages of grief within 15 seconds.

"eh?" your grip on his shirt loosened slightly, a little confused by his words.

His eyes ran down your body, you didn't bother to change out of your pjs so you were currently in booty shorts that were riding up your thighs, and the bulkiness of his hoodie gave off the illusion you weren't wearing any pants at all.

"Can we talk? Inside?" he mumbled avoiding eye contact, resisting the each to pull you into him by your waist.

"Oh- sure..."


You awkwardly sat at the kitchen island watching his back while he scrambled some eggs to go with the pancakes he already made for the two of you.

"So...my hoodie? I thought you were upset with me."

Turning around he gestured at the hoodie you were wearing and you looked down, realizing it was one of his. Immediately you started to take it off then realized you had only slept in a crop top, no bra etc, so you left it on.

"screwyouandyourhoodieskenma." you grumbled under your breath turning away from him.

He turned around placing a plate piled high with pancakes and eggs in front of you before taking the seat across from you.

When you bit into the pancakes he started speaking.

"It was a stripper."

You near choked on your food.

"Excuse me?"

He panicked and shook his head frantically.

"No no no not like a stripper stripper. Well I mean they were strippers, well it wasn't willing, I didn't want to."

"You didn't want to get down with a stripper?"

"No, well yea, I didn't wanna hook up with one. Hinata brought a few of his friends from his volleyball team over, Bokuto, Sakusa, and this dick named Atsumu. He had like 5 strippers with him and they were just everywhere in my house. I didn't really realize because I was in my room but then he sent one up and she ambushed me. The door rang while I was telling her to fuck off. I didn't even realize she got a kiss in until Kuroo commented on it while I was coming to the door. Then I saw you and well I panicked."

You munched on another piece of pancake while glancing up at him.

"Why would you panic? There's nothing going on between us."
"Really? Nothing?"

He opened his phone and tapped a few things before turning it around to face you.

Your eyes widened as you realized these were screenshots of you ranting about how crazy Kenma drove you to Hana, the most recent one, yesterday.

"Wait- no I-, that's not-" you stumbled over your words, trying to form a complete sentence denying the obvious fact.

"I like you y/n."
"I like you, and I mean from the texts, your reaction to the idea of me with other girls, you suggesting I put a ring on you, I think you like me too."

You stood up abruptly and started to head to the door.

"Let me take you on a date. Please?"

You paused and looked over your shoulder. A sincere look on his face showed that he was genuine. Stomping back over you leaned in looking down on him, his sitting down giving you the height advantage.

"How do I know this isn't acting again? What about those other things I said that day? Is this pity Kenma?"

His resolve broke and he pulled you in, so you were standing between his legs, and his hands found their way to your lower back, pressing you against him. He rested his chin on your shoulder and you just stood there, letting him do it.

"I only said I was acting because I thought you were, everything I said around you before, the way I acted, that was all me. We don't have to talk about those things until you're ready, it wasn't completely your choice to reveal them to me in the first place."

You shuddered and let out a sigh when you felt his lips against your neck, and you found yourself embracing him back, your hands running through his hair.

"I told the stream we weren't dating because when I did convince you to forgive me and go out with me, I wanted them to know that it's real this time. That you're really mine."

His breath on your skin sent shivers down your spine, and you had to internally tell yourself to not let this go too far.

Pulling away slightly you tugged on his hair gently, getting him to look up at you.

"Fine. I forgive you. I'm still a little upset though." you mumbled, playing with the hair at the back of his head.

His eyes lit up for a second and then a smug smile came across his face.

"So you'll let me take you on a date right?"

"Well..I might have to-Stop that!" you slapped his head and he moved his mouth away from your neck again.

"It worked last time. Please? Just one, if you don't want any more after that then it's okay, I'll leave you alone."

You thought to yourself for a second before nodding.

"Ok..fine. We can go on a date."

𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧  (𝘬. 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now