32: Surprise

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It was quiet for the most part.

You may have put him in an uncomfortable position. He didn't know the full details of your trauma yet the person who caused it showed up at his door, intruded in his house, and tried to physically assault you in front of him.

It was just a lot to take in ya know?

That didn't matter though, how he felt about it wasn't relevant right now. His job, in present time, was to at least attempt to get your mind off it, distract you somehow. Even if it meant sitting in a weird position on the floor.

At first, he leaned against the wall while you cried quietly on his shoulder, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your lower back. Then, he laid on his back, on the floor, you clinging to him, arms wrapped around his torso. Now, he sat criss cross applesauce with you in his lap, your forehead against his chest as you grasped his hand in yours, tracing little cats on the back of his hand.

"I know you might not be ready, but would you consider telling me the full story?"

You paused, your hand stopping and putting his down. You fiddled with your hands while you felt his hand reach up and tilt your chin up for him to look at your face.

An unreadable expression crossed his face as his hair fell around his eyes, before he leaned in placing his lips on yours in a brief kiss.

"I'm sorry, you'll tell me when your ready, don't pressure yourself." he mumbled, his voice dripping with guilt.

It fell silent again when he pulled you into a hug, and felt your body relax in his hold.


You stuffed your face with pancakes while Kenma sat in the other room, spacing out.

He still wasn't quite sure what to do in this situation. He loved you, but it was getting rather tiring dealing with Kageyama and your mother. At this point he was just going to file a restraining order on everyone that'd ever wronged you and call it a day.


His eyes trailed from the blank space in the middle of the room to his phone, and saw Kuroo had texted him.

So you guys fucked?

Rolling his eyes he gave the message a thumbs up before flinging his phone across the room and laying down on the couch.

After you finished your pancakes you skipped to where he was laying, kneeling down in front of his face. He gave you a weak smile which you returned with a strong one to make up for his lack of enthusiasm.

You found yourself brushing strands of his hair away from his face and tucking them behind his ears, placing a kiss on his forehead. Today, for some reason, the two of you were being strangely affectionate.

"Will you marry me y/n?"

Your eyes widened and you looked around the room, searching for cameras. Your face clearly expressed your surprise at the sudden statement. No engagement ring, on his couch, with you on your knees instead of him....you weren't stingy but...what kinda fucking proposal was this?

"That came out a little suddenly. Sorry if you're uncomfortable."
"Why do you keep apologizing today?"

You shook your head and let out a frustrated sigh.

"You just apologized for proposing. You apologized for wanting to know more about my past. You even apologizing when you messed up the first pancake, like EVERYONE does. What's wrong? Wanna talk about it?"

He lowered his eyes and nodded, so you stood up and let him turn onto his back, and you got on top of him, laying your head on his chest while he stroked your hair.

"I feel partially responsible for what happened earlier. I mean, if I had just closed the door she wouldn't have come inside and said those things or triggered those memories. You wouldn't have broken down after she was taken away. If you think about it, I could've avoided all this and spared you some trauma."

You hummed in understanding before taking in a deep breath.

"It's not your fault. If you closed the door she would've just climbed through a window or something. She's that crazy."
"That makes me feel a bit better."

You exhaled, and nuzzling your face into his chest.


Your arms tightened around him and you lifted your face out of his t-shirt and rested your chin on his chest, looking up at him.

"I'll marry you."

𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧  (𝘬. 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now