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Larry sat down on Averys bed and held her hand.

Larry: You feeling better?

Avery: Yeah... it's just it hurts a bit internally.

Lau: I don't get why he doesn't just target them

Larry: He knows it hurts more watching the ones we love suffer

Nurse: Excuse me... sorry to bother you but I need another blood sample

Avery: Another one?

Nurse: It seems like we lost your other one... my apologies

Avery: I don't want to do one...

A cop walked up behind her and stared at Larry.

Avery: Hold on... is there an issue?

Nurse: Our sample went missing while you're boyfriend was no where to be found.

Avery: What makes you assume it's my boyfriend

Cop: I'm just gonna check you

Lau: No you're not.

Nurse: What are you hiding?

Avery: You wanna know what I'm hiding?

She stared at the nurse and listened to her heart beat. It slow down and Avery smiled. The nurse grabbed her chest and started to panic.

Larry: Avery.

Avery: Looks like you need some assistance

Avery was stopping her heart.

Larry: Stop

He grabbed her face.

Larry: Don't give them a reason to think something is wrong

He slide the blood sample in her hand while the cop was busy with the Nurse.

Larry: You wanna check me? Fine

She gasped for air. The tension on her chest was finally relieved. Avery hid the sample under her pillow.

Cop: Yeah maybe you should see someone...

Nurse: Just check him

She held her chest. Larry stood in the center of the room while this older cop patted him down. As planned he found nothing and sighed.

Cop: He's clean

She stared at them and stood up. On her way out she noticed the blood bandages from earlier. She grabbed the trash can and discreetly took it out the room. The cop apologized for the misunderstanding and left the room.

Larry: You can't do that

Avery: I'm a little defensive right now

Larry: I know... listen are you doing okay?

Avery: Yes I fine. I just wanna go home

Larry: Alright we need to get the fuck out of here

Avery: I should be fine trust me.

Larry: Alright I'll try to sign release papers. Stay with her Lau.

Lau: I will.

Larry left the room to go speak to the ladies at the front desk. Ella was in the play room with the kids. They were building a house with lego blocks and enjoying it. Everything seemed normal until Ella caught Leilani staring at the wall for a solid minute. She stood up and walked over to Ella with tears in her eyes.

Ella: What's the matter?

Lani: I want mommy

Ella: Why what's wrong?

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