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Avery laid down in the bed with Lani.

Larry: How are you feeling?

Avery: Anxious... they wanted me so you'll give her up... you wouldn't do that right?

Larry: No. I would never

Avery: Good...

Lani picked her head up and sat up. She leaned forward and gave Avery a kiss.

Avery: I love you princess

She held Lani's face and kissed her forehead. Larry smiled and sat down next to them on the bed and held them both.

Larry: Look belle they wanted you for now you're dead, you'll stay away from people okay?

Avery: Why?

Larry: So that they'll stay way from you... if they believe your dead then no one should be planning to hurt you.

Avery: If they think I'm dead they'll come for Leilani now... they'll start targeting her and trying to come and take her

Larry: Michael isn't dumb enough to try to take her especially not if he thinks your dead. He knows I'd rip him apart... I'd get revenge

Avery: Okay... I'll stay hidden..

Larry kissed Avery softly and looked her in the eyes.

Larry: I'm going to kill him and any other threat to my family.

Avery nodded and a tear slipped down her face.

Avery: Make him pay...

Larry heard the pain in her voice and he wiped the tear away.

Larry: I promise...

Lau's POV

Ella: What the fuck was she talking about?

Lau: Ella Im not human.

She looked at him with a look of panic on her face.

Ella: Bullshit

Lau: I'm not human. My brother isn't human...

Ella: You're brother just had a child... a human baby girl what are you talking about?!

Lau: I'm a werewolf, made by my father who locked my mother up got her pregnant then experimented on the two twin boys she had in her stomach. The same man that kidnapped you... and he kidnapped Avery and experimented on her while she was pregnant with Lani. Lani is part werewolf because her dad is one and now because of the testing my psychotic father ran on her she also has telekinesis and so does Avery who just died a few moments ago and is now a werewolf too...

Ella's jaw dropped. She stared at him for a moment.

Ella: Prove it. Prove it right now or I'm calling the cops.

She stood up and walked over to the phone picking it up. He stood up after her and walked towards her.

Lau: Ella stop it. You want me to prove it fine.

He looked at her as his eyes went from brown to golden. His nails and teeth grew in. She stared at him and nodded.

Ella: I- think I'm gonna pass out no-

Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she fell into Laurent arms.

Lau: Ella??!!

He picked her up and set her on the couch.

Lau: Ella baby wake up please... oh fuck

He realized that what he just did might have affected their relationship forever

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