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Avery felt awful... beyond awful she felt cruel and inhuman for hurting Larry. She felt a sense of guilt just being next to him. He told her what she did was okay and she knew it wasn't .

Larry: Are you okay? Did anybody hurt you?

Avery: I'm fine but I'm not because I hurt you... and you didn't even do anything to deserve it.

Larry: Belle. You were scared, confused and upset... I should've called you more... sent you flowers... did everything for you but I left and I was constantly busy and I missed my daughter growing up and that's my guilt not being there for the family I've dreamt about since I was little.... so I deserved that... actually I deserve more. Now please I've missed you so much just let me hold you

Avery: I've missed you so much...

He hugged her and kissed her forehead.

Larry: I love you so much belle I don't want anyone but you do you understand?

She nodded and kissed him.

Lani: hurts

Avery looked at her confused and picked her up.

Avery: What hurts your teeth?

She shook her head no and her lip quivered. She looked pale like she was drained.

Larry: What's wrong bebe? Talk to daddy... you hurt?

Lani shook her head yes quickly

Larry: What hurts???

She just looked at him a cried. Avery put her hand on Lani's forehead.

Avery: She used too much energy... Larry

Lau: She looks sick...

She looked at them afraid because she saw the panic in Larry's eyes.

Lani: sorry...

It sounded like a little whimper escaping her throat. You could see tears forming in her eyes.

Avery: No baby you didn't do anything wrong beautiful no one is mad at you come here

She picked her up and opened the book bag on floor. She took out her bottle and looked at Larry.

Larry: Daddy's not mad don't cry.

Avery: give her your blood...

Lau: Hurry Larry.

He took the bottle and braced himself. His teeth grew out and he bit into his wrist wincing a bit. He let a couple drops go into her juice. Avery grabbed the bottle and shook it a little. Lani took it without hesitation. As she gulped it down. Her color started to brighten and she looked healthier.

Larry: Thank god..

Lau: Thank god oh my gosh...

Avery took a deep breath and caressed the side of Lani's face

Avery: Thank you for helping mommy relax you did a good thing but no more okay? I can't risk anything happening to you..

Lani nodded and looked up at Avery

Avery: It's okay baby you didn't do anything wrong...

She kissed the top of her head and smiled. Lani smiled at her mother and looked at Larry. She crawled on Larry and hugged him. He smiled and held he close.

Lau: where are we gonna go? Avery has a target on her head and so does...

Avery: I can handle myself and I won't let anybody touch her

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