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They walked out the CVS heading towards the ice cream store.

Larry: Are you mad?

Avery: No I'm not mad

Larry: Thank god I thought you were gonna strangle me in my sleep or something.

He went to kiss her and she moved swerving him. He looked at her in shock

Larry: Don't do that... give me my kiss

He pouted

Avery: You don't get my affection

Larry: That's the worst thing you can do to me... please

Avery: hm...interesting

Larry: is this my punishment

Avery: Yeah

Larry: Can you at least hold my hand

Avery: No

He furrowed his eyebrows.

Larry: fine...I don't get your attention... let's see about that

He mumbled and opened the door to the ice cream store for her.

Avery: Well thank you

Larry: You're welcome

He walked up the register and smiled at the owner.

Emanuel: Oh wow I have a superstar in my shop...

Larry: I'm just a loyal costumer..

Emanuel: Hello Avery. I'm happy to see you guys together

She smiled and shook his hand.

Avery: Hello and thank you

Emanuel: What happened to you... I heard you went missing?

Larry: No the press made it seem that way. I was on vacation away from just everything. I needed time my my family.

Emanuel: I'm glad to hear that superstar

Larry: I'm still regular me

Emanuel: No you guys are famous now. I watch you on tv with my daughters who are dying to meet you

Larry: Sure Id love to meet them

Emanuel: Really? Come back tomorrow at 6? Bring Laurent too

Larry: Sure I'll tell him

Emanuel: One of them is your age with a little crush on your brother...

Larry: Laurent alright I guess

He joked and they laughed.

Larry: Oh but can we order ice cream?

Emanuel: Of course what can I get you

Avery: The cookies and cream to go please

Emanuel: Coming right up.

They sat at the table and waited

Larry put his hand on her thigh. She glared at him and pushed it off.

Larry: your mean

Avery: You'll be okay

Larry leaned into her ear and whispered.

Larry: I'm gonna get you back... I don't like hearing no

She got goosebumps.

Avery: do it then

Larry's eyebrow went up.

Larry: you're gonna start a dangerous game Avery.

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