Come in

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May: Again I'm going to need your blood...

Avery: Yay...

She said sarcastically. May handed her the knife and she took a deep breath.

Larry: I'll go first

He took the knife from her and slit his palm open then squeezed his hand letting the blood drip into the bowl. He watched his hand as it healed itself.

Avery: My turn..

Larry: You want me to do it for you?

Avery: Please...

She put her hand in his and kept it open. He took the knife and quickly slit the palm of her hand.

Avery: Fuck!

He closed her hand for her and let the blood drip into the bowl.

Larry: You're okay now

She opened her hand and it was healed.

May took the bowl and put it on her workspace. She took out her book and opened it to the dark magic pages of the book.

Larry: Wow

May: It's dark magic I found the spell last night

She put her hands over the bowl the bowl and read what the text said in the book. As she read wind blew heavy in the room. Avery started to feel her blood boil. Her skin turned red and Larry stared at her worried.

Larry: Are you okay?

He tried to hold her hand but she burned him. He was quick but painfully. When she started to look normal she felt sick.

May: Try to separate

She stood up and slowly walked into the living room. She felt fine separating from him. She walked back in the room and smiled.

Larry: You're okay?

Ava: Yes

May: Good


She screamed from the living room and Larry got up quickly. He walked in there and she smiled.

Lani: Is Mickey Mouse

Ella: She wants you...

Larry: Thank you I got her

He picked her up and sat down with her. Avery took the time to ask May about their brothers s

Avery: Hey May... Do you know about Larry and Laurent's brothers.

May: Yes why?

Avery: Can you call them and invite them over

May: Uh I don't know about that-

Avery: I checked with Larry he said he's good with it

May: Really?

Avery: Yes I talked him into it. He's willing to meet them again.

May: alright

Avery: thank you so much...

She walked into the living room and saw Larry and Lani watching tv together. She smiled and he caught her.

Larry: You gonna watch with us?

Avery: yeah

She sat down next to them and he held her hand.

Avery: I'm sorry..

Larry: Don't be... if you think having my brothers around would be helpful to Lani then okay.

Avery: really?

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