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Larry's POV

Larry sat on the bed in a bit of a panic. He held Lani close in his arms rubbing her back. Lani's nose crinkled up and she started whining in his arms.

Larry: Shh baby I'm right here... I'm right here..

She clenched his shirt and her whining got louder. Her hand touched his neck and Larry felt his mind go numb. A vision of Avery played through in his head. It showed an arrow cut across the side of Avery face. Larry was kicked out of the vision when Lani woke And and started crying. Larry jumped back to reality and started panicking.

Larry: Leilani hey baby it's okay... it's okay I know it's okay... it's just a dream..

She looked at him and with tears and he held her closer.

Larry: Mommy is going to be okay. She going to be okay Lani.

Larry got up and walked downstairs. He looked in the window and saw Laurent car pulling in the driveway. He opened the door quickly and Laurent's grabbed Avery's body out the car.

Larry: What happened?!

Lau: I don't know! Her body just dropped to the floor. Her heart rate started to spiral

Ella got out the car with panic still written on her face. She followed Laurent blindly. Laurent walked inside and placed Avery on the island in the kitchen. Larry gave Lani over your Lau.

Larry: I don't want her see this take her please.

Lani looked at her mother's body almost dead on the table. Avery was pale and her veins where noticeable. Laurent quickly took her and walked into the living room.

Lani: Mommy???  

She looked like she was going to scream. Her eyes followed Avery.

Lau: Hey little one...

Lani:  Mommy!

She pushed Laurent and tried to wiggle out his arms.

Lau: No mommy's okay... she's okay baby

Ella: Lau... whats going on?

Lau: Not now...

Ella: Not now? I just watch Avery slowly die in front of me and you just laid her on a kitchen table with Larry when we should call a doctor! Why are you keeping secrets from me!??

Lani's lip quivered.

Lau: Shh Shh no belle don't cry... Ella stop yelling! I told you I'll tell you but now ISNT the right time.

Their arguing just got worse and worse Mx Larry looked at her mortified his heart was breaking. He moved the hair out of her face and saw an identical cut on her face. It matched the one he saw in Lani's vision. He could hear her heart beating... slow and irregularly. Larry stares to panic. He tilted her neck to the side and his teeth grew out.

Larry: I'm sorry...

He bite into her neck and his eyes turned golden. Avery had poison running throughout her entire body system and it was hurting him more than it hurts her. The color in her body started to come back. He release from her neck with blood on his mouth. The cut against her face started to heal extremely fast. She jumped up from the table with a gasp and her eyes where glowing.

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