Bad dream

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For the night Larry and Avery stayed in the hotel across the street. She took a shower and got in bed with him. He touched her face and kissed her.

Larry: I'm sorry

Avery: What?

Larry: that I kidnapped you

Avery: It's not your fault... it wasn't you

Larry: I still feel guilty.

Avery: And I feel guilty for hitting you in the head with a lamp.

She touched his head and he flinched.

Larry: It's still healing ow

Avery: I'm sorry

She chuckled and he smiled rolling his eyes.

Larry: Get some rest... you're exhausted

Avery: Hold me.

She laid on his chest and he held her close.

Laurent's POV

He held Leilani in his arms on the couch. She wouldn't let him leave her for more than five minutes or she'd start freaking out. He's been trying to make her take a nap for hours. It was night time and she still seemed to have energy.

Lau: Come on baby can you sleep.

Lani: Daddy...

She pointed to his phone

Lau: Daddy is gonna be home tomorrow...

Lani: No.... noooooo

She whined and arched her back so she'd fall out his arms. He caught her and grabbed her to stay still.

Lau: Leilani Bourgeois.

Lani: Noooooo

Lau: Stop.

Lani: NO

She looked at him and wiggled crying trying to escape his lap. He put her down on the floor and stood up.

Lau: That's it. I'm done.

Ella: Laurent...

Lau: She's being difficult.

Lani stood up on her feet and walked to the kitchen. Ella followed behind her and Lani sat at the fridge. She pointed at it.

Ella: Ohhh omg we didn't feed you all day... bad Lau

Lani: please...

Ella opened the fridge and got her baby food out the fridge. She picked up Leilani and sat her on the table. She opened the jar and grabbed her spoon. As Ella feed Lani she smiled.

Ella: Aw... I'm sorry

Laurent walked in the kitchen and looked at them.

Lau: oh... oh my gosh I didn't feed her dinner

Ella: That's why she's mad

Lau: I'm sorry...

Ella: I think after this she's ready for bed.

Lau: I feel like the worst uncle...

Ella: You're stressed... talk to May I'll but her to bed

Lau: Thank you...

He walked into May's room and she was in the middle of a spell. She jumped and gave him a dirty look.

Lau: I- I'm sorry... I really wanna know where Larry and Avery are

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