Go away

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When the plane touched down in Los Angles Avery felt relief.

This is your pilot speaking we have just landed in Los Angles. The weather is a bit cloudy with a bit of rain coming later. It is 78 degrees and a little humid. Thank you for traveling United we hope to see you again.

When the plane started pulling up to the gate Avery grabbed her book bag and Leilani.

Lani: Pool??

Avery smiled lightly and nodded.

Avery: We can go to the pool tomorrow how bout that? Mommy just has to buy some stuff  for us princess.

Lani smiled and nodded. While people were grabbing their carry ons and leaving Leilani looked outside through the window and back at Avery.

Lani: Daddy??

She pointed out the window standing in her seat. Avery tensed up and shook her head.

Avery: No baby... daddy isn't here...

Lani scrunched her eyebrows and pointed out the window. Avery looked out the window and only saw the big glass windows of the airport with dozen of people standing near it.

Lani: Daddy.

Avery: No Lani daddy isn't here now come so I can get some food.

Avery put her book bag on her back and picked Lani up. She scooted around with the other people out of the plane. When she got out she immediately went to the customer service desk to show them their pass ports.

Larry's POV

Larry stood by Avery's gate number and waited. The reason he got there first is because her flight took 6 hours and his took three. When he watched her airplane land he waited near the gate and looked for her desperately. He watched a bunch of people rush out of the gate area.

Lau: Look shes right there... she has Lani. They're safe...

He pointed to her heading to the service desk. Avery was getting back her passports and started heading towards a store in the airport. She walked in a corner store to grab something to eat. She was starting to get a little light headed because she hasn't eating in a couple hours. Avery walked over to the drinks and opened the door grabbing a Arizona from the bottom shelf.

Lani: Daddy!

Larry was taken back when he saw his daughter speaking yet alone saying his name. He didn't know she could say Daddy he didn't even know she walks really well for her age. He saw her beautiful face and he felt his heart melting . She looked at him with the biggest smile on her face. Her two little teeth peaking out from under her gums. She was hooked on her mother's waist. Her curls were so defined like Avery's and her face looked like his in certain areas.

Avery: Lani.. daddy's not here baby

Avery picked up the mango Arizona and stood up. She closed the door and her heart stopped. She made eye contact with Larry through the reflection of the refrigerator glass. He stopped and looked at her.

Larry: Avery?...

She turned around and put her arm out. The shelf in front of him flew forward slamming against the ground. He stopped walking and was taken back. She looked at him with pain in her eyes.

Avery: Stay away from me. Stay away

Her voice sounded shaky like she tried her hardest not to cry at the sight of him. She put the juice down and walked quickly to the back of the store towards the exit sign.

Larry: Avery!

She walked down a long hallway.

Lani: Mommy?

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