the truth

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Avery got up off the bed and went into her closet. The lights in the house started to flicker badly. She started taking out her clothes and throwing them into a bag. Leilani sat her self up and looked at Avery concerned and afraid.

Leilani: Mommy mad?

Avery stopped and took a deep breath. She wiped the tear from her face and turned towards Lani. She knew she couldn't use her powers in a bad way around Lani because she'll think it's okay to do it.

Avery: Mommy is okay baby I'm sorry. I don't feel well.... Play with your blocks so mommy can pack.

She wiped her hand on a old shirt removing the melted pieces of her phone off her hand and placed Lani on the carpet to crawl. Lani crawled near her mother's leg and stood up. She whined and held Avery's leg. Avery stopped packing clothes again and looked down at Lani. She sat down with her daughter and placed her on her lap facing her . She refused to snap on her daughter even at a time like this.

Avery: Hungry?

She nodded and her bottom lip quivered. Her big eyes were glistening and she laid her head down on Avery's shoulder.

Avery: mommy's sorry baby let's get you something to eat

She picked her up and walked down to the kitchen. She placed Lani down in her booster seat. Avery had been trying to give Lani baby food and so far she's liked it. She's even been feeding herself. Avery got her favorite baby food out the pantry and opened it giving her the baby spoon. She snapped the bib around her so she couldn't make a mess.

Avery: In your mouth not all over the house

Lani: Not ova da house

Lani understood well if Avery could make rhyme. Avery ran her fingers through Lani's curls and kissed her forehead smiling. Avery walked towards Lani's room to start packing.

Avery's POV

I stopped when heard a knock on the door. If it was Larry I might hurt him but then again I wanted to. I wanted him to hurt so much. After all I've been through.... supporting him... trusting him ... dealing with everything sinister thing that came with loving him and he cheated on me. I trusted him like an idiot... after watching him fuck our entire grade I should have known better. I hope that's him.

She felt tears fall down her face. She wiped away quickly and opened the door quickly.

Ella: Avery... are you okay?

Avery stomach dropped and she looked at Ella with tears. Ella hugged Avery and rubbed her back. She invited her in and they sat on the couch.

Ella: I'm gonna curse Larry out-

Avery: Don't... I don't wanna hear his excuses... I'm just gonna pack my things and go. I can't do this anymore

Ella: Go where Avery?

Avery: Anywhere.. a one way ticket away from him forever...

Ella: Leave? Avery I know you're upset but talk to him please don't just leave. That's Lani's dad too.

Avery: You don't get it.... I put myself in danger being with him from the start and he treats me like that... treats our daughter like that? You know she's gonna grow up and see daddy cheated on mommy and she's gonna think that's okay... it's not okay..

Ella: Danger? What are you talking about??

Avery: Nothing...

Ella: Is he hurting you?

Avery: No...

Ella: So why are you in danger?

Avery: Ella.... just please leave and don't tell anyone about this conversation... don't even tell them you saw me.

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