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Larry: What happened to Ella?

Lau: I told her the truth she threatened to called the cops then passed out when I showed her.

Avery: Lau... she likes you... she's just not handling it the way I did... don't forget I knew you both for the longest time you guys just met.

Lau: I know... but what are we gonna do about Michael.

Larry: I'm gonna buy us sometime... give me your keys

Laurent pointed you h the counter

Lau: Right there

Larry: I'll be right back belle.

He gave Lani to her and Avery grabbed his arm.

Avery: Where are you going??

Larry: Oh I'm just gonna send them on a little chase

Avery: Just be safe

Larry: I'll be right back...

He kissed her and grabbed the keys getting into the car. He reversed it out the driveway was gone.

Avery sat on the couch with Lani and massage the back of her head lightly.

Avery: Id do anything for this girl... please if anything happens to me and Larry promise to take care of her? Please

Lau: Nothing is going to happen to you... or Larry. We are a family and the Bourgeois family doesn't leave anyone behind.

Avery: I know... just please say it I need to hear it.

Lau: I promise to look after Leilani as if she was my own daughter.

Avery: Thank you...

Laurent hugged Avery and rubbed her shoulder sincerely.

Lau: You are a great mom... but I think it's time for you to have some quality time with Larry tonight.

Avery: Thank you but I couldn't Lau. She's gets fussy if you do hold her when she wants-

Lau: Then I'll hold her all night. You haven't seen Larry in months... you've been doing everything for those past 6 months. Take the night...

Avery: You mean it? 

Lau: I do. Just give me her before bed

Avery: Thank you Lau

Lau: No thank you for making me an uncle.

Avery smiled at Lau. He picked up Ella and walked towards the stairs

Lau: I'm gonna put her in the bed hopefully she'll wake up calmer

Avery: Good luck

Lau: Thanks

He walked upstairs leavings Avery in the couch with her thoughts. She picked her legs up on the couch and laid back. Lani was knocked out on her chest.

Larry's POV

Larry drove all the way to the airport. When he got inside he walked around for a few minutes and acted as if he was interested in tickets. He stood in a line and place the two trackers in a random mans suitcase.

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