Internal thoughts

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Three hours had passed separated from each other and interrogated. The asked them both the same questions. It's was like the cheesy hood cop bad cop movies. They would come in and ask if they were thirsty then they'd threaten them. Saying things along the line of ...

"If we find out your lying you can spend a long time incarcerated"

For three long hours people swapped between two rooms trying to get information out of them.

Joe: Larry Bourgeois... your girlfriend was found with internal bleeding and bruising.

Larry: Yeah I know

Joe: Did you abuse her?

Larry: I would never abuse her.

Joe: So where did it come from? It says she hasn't been to any doctor in a year or two

Larry: I don't know. She was at the top of the steps and as she came down she fell. So I called 911

Joe: Bruising like that doesn't just randomly happen.

Larry: Listen... why am I here? I surely know your not investing your time into a possible abuse situation.

Joe: You're here because the blood sample that disappeared was claim to be stolen by you.

Larry: If I did or didn't why does it matter?

Joe: The nurse that help you this evening found a bloody bandage that may possibly match Avery's DNA

Larry: ...what about it

Joe: Well you're girlfriend has some rare dna strands that my lab can't make out.

Larry: I wanna see her

Joe: Not until we are done

Larry: Where is she?

Joe: She's fine... she's being asked the same questions

Larry: Don't you need permission to do all this over a bull shit blood sample.

Joe: What do you think I have you here for? I am waiting for my clearance. I'm by law allowed to have you here for 24 hours which should give me more than enough time for clearance.

Larry had to suppress whatever anger he had and remain calm.

Larry: take me to Avery

Joe: You know I can't.

Avery's POV

Lady: I heard you got checked into the hospital for internal bleeding and bruising.

Avery: I did

Lady: Any abuse? Maybe from your boyfriend

Avery: No he would never hurt me

Lady: Well do you mind if I see your bruising now?

Avery: No...

That's the issue... the bruising was gone and she had no valid explanation for it.

Lady: Why not?

Avery: I wanna know why I'm here...

Lady: Just questions

Avery: You've been questioning me for three hours... I just want my fiancé and I want to go home

Lady: Listen... we have blood sample that we believe they are yours. All you have to do is let us take a blood test. It comes out negative and you get to leave

Avery: I don't want a blood test.

Lady: then I'm afraid you can't leave. No matter how long you ride this out... you'll still have to take the test regardless.

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