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911: Whats your emergency?

Larry: Hi my girlfriend is severely bleeding from her mouth

911: What happened to her?

Larry: I don't know she was fine a couple minutes ago

911: Help is on its way I'm tracking your location

He lifted up the side of her shirt and his expression dropped.

Larry: what the fuck

Lau:Okay you guys stay in the kitchen.

Sofia: what's wrong with her?

Maddison: yeah?

Lau: She okay shes just doesn't feel well

Lani: Please mommy

Lau: Not right now

She looked at him and cried.

Lau: please don't cry

Lani: Mommy is dying

Lau: what?

Lani: she's gonna die

Lau: No. she's not gonna die. Where did you learn the word die?

Ella: Why the fuck are they're bruises on her stomach Larry?

Larry: I don't know. She kept telling me her side hurt anytime I touched her waist.

Ella: This is more than just her side..

Larry: I know that. She didn't want me to see what was wrong with her all day.

Avery: I can't feel...

Larry: Can't feel what?

Avery: anything...

Larry: tell me what happened

Avery: I don't know but I'm ok

Larry: You're bleeding and you're scaring me. You're not okay

Avery: no hospital

Larry: that's not a choice Avery

Avery: please

Larry: stop it

Avery: no more needles

Larry: relax baby

She coughed again

Ella: I see the ambulance

They pulled into the driveway. A couple of people hopped out of the trunk. They took out the gurney and brought it to the front of the house. Ella opened the front

Avery: no hospital.

Larry: cut it out

Avery: no.

Larry: You need help

He picked her up and got her outside.

Emt: Put her on here

Avery: no please

He put her down and she gripped his arm in a panic.

Emt: you're okay... relax. What's her name?

Larry: Avery

Emt: you're gonna be fine Avery

Avery: I don't want to go back

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