Runaway 2

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Avery woke up to Larry's side of the bed being empty. She sat up in confusion. She had no recollection of falling asleep.

Avery: Larry?

She sat up and stared around the room. She felt better than normal like she had the best sleep of her life. She stood up walked into the hallway. She could hear May and Larry talking.

May: We'll did you talk to Avery about this

Larry: No...

May: Don't you think she should know.

Larry: I don't want her to May she'll just worry

May: that's the point Larry. Your putting yourself at danger and she doesn't know that's unfair

Larry: Please May... I just want to find them and warn them

May: teleporting doesn't always work the way you want it to. I could accidentally teleport you in a random part of Texas or like I said you can die

Larry: how

May: If you don't jump through on time the portal itself can slice you in half

Larry: We'll that's easy I'll just jump through.

May: We can only hope it's that easy... I've never done this before. I've just seen other witches do it.

Larry: it can't be that hard-

He froze mid sentence and he looked back at the staircase.

Larry: Avery...

She came from around the corner and stared at him

Larry: you were standing there the whole time weren't you

Avery: Surprised you didn't hear me sooner

Larry: I-

He sighed

Larry: I turn it off sometimes

May: Excuse me?

Larry: I can control my hearing

Avery: That's not the point. Why would you not tell me this?

Larry: Because it's something I have to do. And I know you won't agree with it.

Avery: No what we are going to do is get ready and get into the car. We are going to drive there together

Larry: There isn't enough time for that.

Avery: Fine then let me go

Larry: What no.

Avery: I can't believe you... your so one sided

Larry: If it's dangerous I have to do it

Avery: Can I talk to you in private.

Larry: Just give me a minute May I'll be ready when I come back

He followed her upstairs.

Avery: Larry I get you want to protect me. I really do but I'm not breakable anymore. I'm not human and I can't die

Larry: You can die. Everyone or anything always has a weakness and so do we. It's just less likely

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