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Avery looked at the gps and back at Larry.

Avery: We're five minutes away? I thought we had another two hours to drive?

Larry: It's been a long drive I was going to stop by a friend. Just to eat and use the bathroom. It'll be quick and it's right in the way.

Avery: You have a friend in Texas?

She questioned him with a giggle.

Larry: Yes I do why so surprised?

Avery: You haven't been here in forever since you were a kid

Larry: That doesn't mean I don't have friend... and yes I have for one of my tours. We met up during then.

Avery: That's right you guys did stop here... well what's his name?

Larry: Oh... Her name is Emily

Avery: Her?

Larry: Yeah

Avery: Oh

Larry: Is that a problem? We don't have to go

He grabbed her hand and rubbed it.

Avery: Larry I'm fine with you having a friend that's a girl.

Larry: Alright

She smiled at him and held his hand.

He pulled into the driveway of this huge house.

Larry: Okay let's go inside

They walked to the front door as Larry rung the doorbell. A woman with straight jet black hair answered the door and a smile.

Larry: Hey Emily

Emily: Larry come inside and Avery? Right

Avery: Yeah it's nice to meet you.

She smiled and they walked inside.

Emily: Well since Larry planned this I have food ready for y'all. I made it for dinner but it's 4 am now so I'll warm it up.

Larry: Thank you we appreciate it

Emily: Anytime

She grabbed the plates from her cabinet and took the food out the oven. She had made them lasagna.

Avery: Wheres the bathroom?

Larry: Up stairs first door on the right

Avery: I'll be back

She walked up stair and made her way to the bathroom. Larry walked into the kitchen and caught Emily off guard.

Larry: Can I talk to you?

Emily: What's wrong?

Larry: I need you to do my a favor. A really big favor and it's a bit illegal.

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