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I eventually decide to head back to the bunkers. When I approach, I find everyone slowly waking up. I slip into the room as silently as possible. Zu's head perks up at the slight creek of the door. She notices me, giving a knowing nod before lying her head back down and snuggling under the covers.

It's only when Rob marches in, slamming the door open does everyones heads snap up from their slumbers. Rob doesn't utter a word, his presence being enough to scare the sleep away from everyone. He seems to have an authority that doesn't seem to sit right. A simple glance from him feels like a punch in the chest, his presence alone sucking any joy from the room.

Soft chatter echoes through the room as everyone begins making their beds and cleaning up their areas. Ruby, who is in the bunk next to me approaches. "You start training today," she says softly, "Just follow our lead, we'll show you the ropes." I nod, managing a small smile in thanks. Liam, who is on the bunk above Ruby swings down to meet her on the floor. He wraps his long arms around her frame, muttering a good morning. Must be nice.

When Liam realizes the subject of our conversation, he adds a point. "We focus mainly on combat, also on power development. Since your a green, you'll focus more on being able to defend yourself without the enhancement some of the higher colors of the spectrum have." This seems simple enough, I've been fighting ever since the spread of the IAAN, since the PFS's came to my house.

Vida then approaches from across the room, her blue hair swaying with each step. Her whole demeanor screams power, I like that about her. "Love your hair," I tell her, and I mean it. She looks at me, sizing me up with her meanacing gaze, then coming to some resolve in her head and eases. "Thanks, lemme know if you ever want a change up with your bland ass hair. I definantly could find some way to get Cate to fetch some hair dye for ya," She says with a grin. "Thanks, I might take you up on that offer." I reply with a grin.

A few moments later, Cate comes through the door, talking with Vida whos seemigly attached to her side. They talk to each other like sisters and I can feel the connection between them. Vida then turns to leave again at which Cate turns in my direction. She walks over with a warm smile on her face and I feel the tension from Rob's entrance leave the room. Aren't they dating?

"Hey kiddo. As you know you start with training today. I just wanted to check in to make sure you were doing alright, I know the transitions been alot." I don't know if it's the tone of her voice, of her motherly aura, but I somehow feel I can trust her with anything. Careful. I catch myself before I get too comfortable. "Thanks, I'm doing better." She smiles when I say this. "Good luck today Tess!" She says before leaving. "You'll need it," Nico, huddled in the back corner mutters, just loud enough to hear.

Eventually, we all gather in what looks to be a big makeshift gym. When my group arrives, lots of kids are already stretching and some are even sparring. We take an empty spot in the corner. I begin to do some light stretches before I immediatly can feel who has entered the room. I look up to the doorway to see Rob. "Everybody up!" He hollers. All the kids fly to their feet.

"We'll be doing some partner work today, one on one combat," he announces. When no one moves, he yells, "So partner up!" Kids scurry to find a partner, leaving me standing motionless in the room. I almost cry in relief when I feel a light tab on my shoulder and turn around to see Vida standing beside me. "Partners? I know you don't really know anyone."

I can tell by the way she says it and in her stance that she's not normally nice like this, the words seem awkward coming from her mouth. "Totally," I say with a smile. Together, we walk to an empty spot on the mat.

"I'll go easy on you Tess," she says, but I can tell in her smile it's a complete lie. "Don't, I'll beat your ass without any advantages." At this, she flys at me. She's good, I must say. Very stealthy and quick, but her eyes seem to be dancing around slopily, she'll easily miss some punches.

My fist drives into Vida's side, she gasps, I can tell she didn't forsee it. She manages to get a few punches on me also. I can tell she's competitive by how angry she seem progressivly gets each punch she takes, and notice the punches she gives become more powerful. It isn't until I swing my my foot behind her leg, driving her feet out from under her, that I know I have won the match. She lies on the mat with a wicked smile on her face "You're good Tess."

I reach my hand out to her to help her get up from the mat, she takes it gratefully. "I won't go easy on you next time," she adds with a wink. "Oh shut the trap," I say with a laugh, "I won fair and square." Vida shakes her head, still smiling, and puts her hands up defensively. "Fine Fine. You win fair and square. I guess."

It's only then I glace to the door to notice Cole standing there, watching me intensely. How long has he been there? When he notices me watches, he stops leaning on the door and walks out of view. Weird.

To say I'm exhausted after training would be an understatement, I'm nearly a zombie walking the halls. Rob definanty didn't add any leniency because I was new. We ran for miles and learned new fighting techniques. Heading to the cafeteria, I am more then ready for food.

Once we all get our plates, we head to the empty table reserved for out group. "So what did ya think of you first day," Liam asks with a bit of tease in his tone, probably because of how we all look right now, sweaty messes. "Oh lovely," I say sarcastically with a smile. He breaks out into a laugh at this. I turn my head once more to meet gaze with Cole, who's sitting with some of the agents, including Cate and Rob. When I our eyes meet, he gives me a soft smile and continues conversing with those at his table.

Liam gives me a confused glance, following my gaze until his settle on Cole, he sighs. "You know him?" I ask. Liam chuckles, "You could say that, he is my brother in all." My eyebrows shoot up. I study Liam again, blond, shaggy hair with striking blue eyes. I then look back at Cole, noticing the same characteristics. The only difference is their different demeanors. Liam seems more friendly and open, Cole more cut off.

"What's his deal, why does he keep looking at me?" I ask. "He's probably just curious, it's not everyday they pick up a breakout from Thurmond that escaped without any help, just trying to figure out maybe," he says and I can hear the curiousity in his own tone. I nod, then continue eating.

We chatter amonst ourselves for the rest of the dinner. Vida, who is seated besides me doesn't fail to talk about our combat today. "I went easy on her, but she's not to shabby." I elbow her "Oh shut the trap, you know you didn't go easy on me at all." Everyone around us breaks out in laughter. "You'll never know," she says with a wink. "Oh I do know, you lost." I smile.

When dinner is over and everyone has literally licked their plates clean, we head back in the bunkers for the night. Zu takes the bunk with me once again, a small skip to her step as she approaches, falling face-first onto the bed below me. I lug myself up to the top bunk and do the same wih a sigh. Peaking over the edge of the bunk, I smile when I see Zu. "Night Zu," I say, accepting her soft smile as a reply. Whether she's selectivly mute, or physically mute I don't know, but her smile speaks a thousand  words. Although I am not looking forward to what may await for tonight in my dreams. The lights flick off and I fade into a restless sleep.

Heyyooo everyone!
I'm adding a few chapters here and there to this story so I hope you like this one!

Anyways, on a serious note, what do you guys think of TDM movie?
My honest opinion is summed up in one word... meh.
It was ok, the character development (of especially Liam) wasn't great but I mean it's Hollywood so what do you expect.
Something I hated tho was how they called yellows golds. Like what?! You did this for what? what was the point of that?

It's a good way to promote TDM tho which I am all for.

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