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I find my way back to the bunkrooms after the fighting, longing to just jump into bed and forget about everything. Making my way back through the entrance of the room, I'm greeted by everyone in my unit. I see Liam and Ruby sitting next to each other, I decide to go over to them.

"A little bird told me somebody's team leader now. Congrats dude," I tell Liam. He gives me a warm smile but tightens an arm around Ruby as to let me know they are together. As if I didn't figure that already. "Thanks Tess. You were doing pretty good also, until well, you know," he says, cutting himself off. "Yeah I know, don't worry about it," I say laughing.

I then look over to Ruby. "I can't remember if you fought or not. Did you ever get a match?" I ask her. She seems to contemplate for a moment before answering. "Nah, I don't really need to be team leader anyways, I help them out with some other things being the only orange and all. It's hard sometimes but I can be really useful to them," she says with a short smile and I can tell she isn't telling me the whole story but I don't push.

"Yeah I get it. What kind of things do you help out with if you don't mind me asking," I ask, prying a bit. She sighs, as if forseeing this question. "I'm not really supposed to say anything you know, but sometimes they need help going into peoples minds to find any information. Don't worry, I'm not hurting them or anything. Well... I'm not the one hurting them- uh... I should stop talking," she says with a nervous laugh. I can tell the topic is a bit of a touchy one.

I give them a smile before waving goodbye and heading over to my bunk. I see Vida and Zu sitting beside each other on one of the other beds. They sit huddled next to each other, each not so discretely sneaking glances over at Chubs and Nico on the other side of the room. They almost jump when I sit beside them.

"Hey boo, scared us there. What's up?" Vida asks, composing herself for a moment. I laugh before nodding my head over to the boys they were just looking at moments ago. "Somebody got a crush or something?" I ask teasingly avoiding the topic. Vida's face turns bright red while Zu begins to break out in silent laughter.

"Nah Tess, it's not even like that. Granny over there? Really? He annoys the shit outa me," she says but I can see her eyes still trailing over to him. "Hmm. Your eyes when you look at him seem to tell me another story hun," I say laughing. Her gaze snaps back to me as she seems to catch her mistake. "No- I mean- He just confuses me. I don't know. I don't like him though," she defends. Her eyes then change to a look that I already know I won't like where the next conversation topic is going.

"What about you and Cole huh? Got eyes for Lee's older brother?" She asks. Zu's eyes widen and she covers her mouth with her hands. "No," I laugh "I actually think he hates me. Does he hate everyone?" At this, both Vida and Zu's eyes widen. "You think that's him hating you? Girl I would pay money to show you what hate on that man actually looks like, he gets wicked scary sometimes," she explains and Zu's head bobs in agreement.

How am I supposed to tell them the only reason he's being nice to me is because he wants information?

"Well maybe he doesn't hate me then, but he definantly doesn't like me like that," I say instead. Vida shrugs. "So anyways, what's up with Ruby and Liam? Anytime I get generally close they cling onto each other like I'm going to take one of them away," I ask.

Vida laughs at this. "They've been through alot to be here together, they're barely away from each other," She explains "You know how Ruby came here from Thurmond? They also went to this camp called East River. That was a bust. Then a bunch of memory wipy and lovy dovy later, and well, here they are."

I nod, understanding why she spared the details. All of us have been through a shit ton to get here, if she went through everyones stories, we'd be here all night. Vida, Zu and I all talk for the remainder of the night. I'm glad when neither of them bring up the fight as it is about the last thing I want to talk about.

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