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I drive fast.

The trees are a blur as I press my foot on the pedal, hard.

I don't allow myself to question, to think, to evaluate. I don't allow myself to wonder why I care so deeply about Cole in this moment. Why I would even consider coming back to Thurmond.

It's not a surprise that I get there way faster than the map estimated.

I park my car in the woods, not wanting it to be seen by the security cameras.

I slip out of the car, walking down the road and approaching the entrance.

I glance above the gate and the many guards with large guns, patrolling the area.

The red camp is a new wing, so I notice a sign pointing to right where I need to go. Their mistake. They probably wanted to guide the people actually picking them up in a couple of days.

I stay in the woods, trailing around the camp to stay hidden. I know when I reach the red camp.

I know because it stand much different from every other building. I can tell it's fireproof, it a thick metal with bars over the windows.

I almost jump when I hear noice close to me. I see a figure running out from the woods. I know the figure right away.


I wasn't too far behind him. I watch as he slowly approaches the fence. I pray he isn't dumb enough to touch it. He must know it's electric.

He pulls a backpack off his shoulders, grabbing a small device from it. He slowly reaches the device on the fence. He then reaches in his bag once again, grabbing a remote, pressing a button on it.

The fence lights up right around the device for a split second, coursing with blue electricity before dying down again.

Cole then reaches into his bag, grabbing metal wire cutters.

Please don't Cole, you'll get electrocuted.

To my surprise, he places his hand on the fence to test it and nothing happens. He grabs his pliers and begins cutting a hole in the fence.

That device must have deactivated a part of the fence. Clever.

He then removes the metal and slips in. I wait a few seconds before silently following him.

I trail behind him, avoiding the lights flashing all over the camp in the darkness, looking for kids or other people that shouldn't be there. Cole rounds a corner of the red camp building, I follow.

He must have a map of the red camp, for he seems to know exactly where he's going. I peak my head around the corner as I see him find his way to a back door.

He once again reaches into his bag and pulls a card out, swiping it in. The light turns green and he enters.

Well, I guess you did have something planned. How did you even manage that?

I manage to silently catch the door right before it closes, slipping in next to him. He probably going to be furious with me when he finds out I've followed him.

I trail silently behind him, making sure I don't get too close. Weaving past the hallways, I get a sense of truly how empty and lifeless this place really is. It doesn't help when we finally reach some of the cells.

My heart breaks when I see the kids in them, all ages. Their mouths are wrapped, their hands sealed. My heart aches for them for I was once in their place. It broke me.

A few of them give me questioning looks but I can tell from the lifelessness in their eyes that they are completely hopeless. I understand what Cole was feeling now what I look at these kids.

Then I hear an alarm blare. Fuck. I hide behind a doorway in a hidden hallway, Cole had just turned to go down a different one.

I hear footsteps, and they aren't Cole's, but they're heading in his direction.

"Someone broke in, breach the area," I hear through one of the PSFs Walkie-talkies.

Something in me turns. I know I should leave, every sayin ounce of me knows that. But for some reason, I think of Maddy.

I think of her risking her life to protect me because she knew I was special. Cole is special.

He's not the same special I am, he's special in the ways that matter. He has so much purpose, I just have power.

He needs to help the Children's League, he needs to help everyone escape. I will do everything in my power to save him.

So I slip down the hallway, hoping there are not many more PSFs trailing after me. I turn down hallways to where I hear the most noise. I peak my head just slightly over the wall when I hear the noise very loudly.

"I'm gonna ask you again! Who the fuck are you?" A PSF spits at Cole whose being held down by two men, blood dripping down his face. Cole remains silent. Earning another punch. Cole just smiles evilly, knowing damn well he won't crack.

I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder, roughly turning me around. I'm met with a large PSF. Fuck.

I don't think twice before lunging at him, trying to push him to the floor. The alarms are still blaring and we are down a different hallway. I pray the PSFs interrogating Cole won't hear the commotion.

My speed serves my justice and I swipe my foot under his legs, causing him to tumble to the floor. He then reaches towards his belt, grabbing a long blade. Fuck again.

He lunges at me and I'm helpless. I hold back my yelp as his knife drives into my side through my black clothes. Then I lock into my blue abilities, something I should have done much sooner.

He flys back into the air, smacking against the wall. His head slams hard, knocking him unconscious.

I pry myself with effort off the floor, peaking around the hallway again. Cole looks worse than before, but he still stands his ground.

"Kill him, I'm sick of seeing his face," the PSF says and I can't hide any longer. He begins to pull a gun from his pocket when I step into their view in the hallway.

All their heads turn, including Cole's. "What the fuck," Cole says allowed with confusion written all over his face before being interrupted by the PSF. "What the fuck is happening?" The man questions.

"Put the gun down," I say in a form tone. I feel my strength slowly slipping away as blood drains from my wound but my adrenaline is at a all time high so I barely even notice.

"You really think I'm going to listen to a little girl-" I tap into my orange abilities. Mind control. He stands straight almost instantly. "Put the gun down," I say again. He then instantly puts the gun on the floor.

"ORANGE!" Another one of the other 5 PSFs bellows, lurching towards me. I then use my blue abilities to push them all back.

They yell swear words upon curses as they all recover in confusion. I then take the last of my strength to tap into my orange abilities again.

They all stand straight. "Turn the alarm off, tell them it was a false alarm." One of the men mutters something into his Walkie-talkie and the alarms turn off.

"None of you guys will remember anything that has happened here today, neither will anyone else. There is a guy down the hallway, tell everyone you got into a fight. Clean up all the blood. You will not remember our faces or our presence here. Understand?" I tell them. Forcing my request into their brains.

They all nod and begin walking in different directions, all doing different things to complete their command.

Cole knows what I am now. I can't hide anymore.

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