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Night draws once again like it always does. I manged to get a little bit of restless sleep during the night which needlessly is enough to keep me going for a while.

I decide to go exploring some more, maybe head to the training room once again, god knows I need it. Eventually, I force myself out of bed and slip through the doorway of the bunkroom. Glancing at the clock, I read the time 3:00. I start walking around the compound.

It seems like everyones asleep but every once in a while I'll come across a door with a faint light peaking from the bottom. I know easdroppings bad, but I can't help myself. Most of the doors with lights on just sound like someone typing on a computer or writing something down.

the sounds of footsteps behind me causes me to halt, runnign to slip behind a wall to avoid the person. I press my back against the wall, hoping the person won't see me there, hoping more they won't turn down the hallway in which I'm standing in.

I'm more than shocked to see a head of thick curly hair pass by, walking briskly as if late to an important event. Ruby. Now what would she be doing out of bed at three in the morning.

I don't even bother weighing the odds. I wait a few moments before following her to wherever her destination is. Being stealthy is definantly a strength of mine. I've snuck behind people for hours without them suspecting a thing. I guess it comes with being a secretive person, being extra snoopy.

What can I say, prying in the right places was a reason how I broke myself out of Thurmond. Well, not the main reason, but you know. I continue to follow after Ruby, only peaking around bends of the hallways when I know she can't see me.

I can't say I'm surprised when she goes into the room in which I found myself just a few says ago. Cole's room. The day keeps replaying in the back of my head. He wanted Ruby to get into my mind with her powers to tell Cole how I broke out.

When the door closes, I sneak to press my ear against it, scoping out the area to also make sure I have an excape plan. I'm pleasantly surprised to find many nooks and crannys around it in which I can hide myself for the most part. Worst case you I can just use my powers. Let's not let it come to that though.

"Sorry I'm late, lost track of time," Ruby says in a hushed tone. "See Cole, look how tired she is. Can't this wait?" I recognize the voice as Cate's,
I hear some more shuffling around the room before Cole's voice speaks. "You know this can't wait Cate." That responce is met with another sigh.

"There is a camp of reds, it's a addition to Thurmond," Cole begins. "I know you've already given us the map to Thurmond. Not the red camp though, that's something we just won't be able to get an accurate representation of."

"The biggest problem we're having at the moment is that they've changed the security at all branches of Thurmond. Since we broke you out Ruby, they've gotten more careful and secured everything more. We haven't been able to break anyone out since," Cole continues. "There's only one person who's been able to break out since the security update. Tess."

My heart drops at this like it was something I wasn't already expecting. "I cannot fathom why she wouldn't want to help us with something like this. I've tried getting close to her, she always pushes away. You know how hard it is for me to be nice to people, and she's definantly pushing it." Ok ouch. That kinda stung.

Cole sighs before continuing. "There's nothing more I can do at this point, they're moving the camp of reds in a two weeks. I don't know where they're going. I want to break them out before they move so we don't have to figure out where they're heading. The camp is so close to us now." He sounds so enthusiastic and inspired when he speaks.

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