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I silently slip out of the bunkroom, being mindful of the creaky door, to make my way to the gym.

It's been a week since my first encounter with Cole in the morning at the training room. It's where I've been going to escape my nightmares and let off some steam.

Sometimes Cole and I spar, while other times we just silently acknowledge each others presence, working on our own. He seems to have a routine of going there every morning as well. That's why I'm surprised when I head to the gym to find it empty.

Maybe Cole finally got a handle on his sleep schedule? That makes one of us.

I contemplate whether to train or not before I remember the book Cate got me. Reading seems more pleasing than training at the moment, so I head back to the bunk rooms to pick up the book.

I silently walk back, absorbing the calmimg silence of the early morning. It's only when I hear hushed whispers that my attention peaks. I still.  They're too quiet to pick up coherent sentences or words but none-the-less, I follow the source of the noise.

I turn abruptly towards the noise, following the path of a new hallway, until I come across a room. Only a faint light peaks from the bottom of the door, indicating there is someone inside.

The thought that the door could open at any point, and that I am definantly not supposed to be here is ever present in my mind. I mentally slap myself when I press my ear against the door anyways, ackowledging the stupidity of my choices.

I hear an urgent whisper.

"The camp of reds has the same security as Thurmond," the voice which I now recognise as Cole's says. I hear papers russling before he speaks again. "The map that Ruby made, as useful as it is, only gives us an outline of what the camps setup is, not the security. When you were able to get in to break her out,  it was only because you dressed up as a PSF."

"What do you expect we do? We can't easily get their security records, that's unrealistic," I recognize Cate's voice as she replies to Cole. Cole heaves a sigh. "That part I'm still figuring out, we still need more information."

"In the mean time, you could always see if Nico could try hacking into it," Cate suggests. "He's already tried, but I'm sure he could take a stab at it again."

Silence penetrates the room for a moment before it is broken by Cole once again. "You know T was at Thurmond too," he mutters even more silent. This time, it's Cate that sighs, "You know she not going to talk to you about that, don't bring her into this Cole. I can only imagine what she went through there."

When Cole doesn't answer, Cate speaks again. "Besides, you know Alban would'nt agree with this, he'll be furious. Not only are you planning to break a camp of reds out, but your putting anyones lives at risk that help you. Really think about this, because you'll be bringing down other people with you."

"I want nothing more than to keep everyone out of this Cate, especially T, but I'm just saying; worse comes to worse, I will find out how she got out, whatever it  takes. It just doesn't make any sense Cate. Even if I have to get Ruby's help to get into her mind to do so," he says in a desperate yet bitter voice, "We have to get those reds out."

My heart stops at this point, breath caught in my throat. You knew you weren't safe here, what did you expect?

I realize now how little I've though of escape, I curse at myself. I need an escape plan in case Cole turns to me for information on Thurmond. As much as I would be glad to help him, there is nothing I could tell him that wouldn't lead him to believe I am not a green. I stumble away from the door, being mindful of how much noice I am making and make my way over to the gym.

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