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Cole throws the first punch.

Innocent enough I'd say. I like to watch all my opponents for signs of weakness or inaccuracy.

It's a more difficult task than normal. Cole's good, I'll give that to him. I fought with him before, but only now am I really paying attention.

I punch next.

I actually manage to hit him, right below his shoulder. He grunts then smirks. I'll wipe that smirk right off that pretty face.

I have speed on him, but he's got tricks up him sleeve for days. I almost take a punch when he hits me in my blind spot. Bastard.

We've been going back and fourth like this for a while now, neither of us really able to create any actual damage. It's hard to know if he's going easy on me or not. I hope he's not. I want to kick his ass for real.

Damn does he look hot right now. How can someone be so hot while do sweaty. I don't think this kid could be ugly if he tried.

My inner monologue seems to be the best of me. My thought distract me for the slightest moment. I feel a leg swing under my feet.

My body goes crashing to the floor, right onto my back. Fuck.

"Somebodies distracted," he says quickly. I have no time to answer.

Cole crashes on top of me. Both his legs fall to either of my sides as he straddles me. His arms grip my wrist firmly beside my head.

Three seconds is all he needs with me here to win.


His eyes bore into mine, with an intense look I can't seem to figure out.


I don't even try to fight anymore, knowing there's no point.


Damn is he even counting?

It's been three seconds and he hasn't moved at all. Only now do I really notice the intimacy of the position we're in.

Both of our chests rise and fall in shallow breaths but slowly come down to normal. Not my heartbeat though, that stays at the same running pace.

"Cole," I mutter quietly, not knowing exactly what I want to say. I want to say everything and nothing at the same time.

One of Coles hands releases my wrist to come to my face. He lightly brushes the stray hair from my forehead.

I reach up to place my hand on his chest, but not daring to push him away. I should just push him away. Why can't I just push him away like everyone else.

His hand drifts lower on my face. His hand trails to the side of my neck, his thumb dragging over my bottom lip before finding itself right under my chin near my throat.

I trail my hand to the center of his chest, feeling his heartbeat thud under my hand. I look at him with a question in my eyes.

His thumb moves slightly, pressing into the throbbing my my throat. He smirks.

"You feel that too huh?" He more of states than asks in a thick voice.

His face leans closer to me. Our foreheads are touching now. "Fuck darlin', what are you doing to me," he whispers more to himself.

His lips are so close to him now. God Cole, just kiss me already.

Voices echo through the hallways now. Glance at the clock. Everyone's up now.

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