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At times like these I wish I has enough information to escape.

At this point I'm just wandering, there's nothing I haven't seen anymore. The only chance of getting out without the use of my powers would be through the control room.

The only way you can get in is with a key and only some of the people's key cards have them. I'm sure Cole's does.

I also don't want to hurt anybody in the process. Been there, done that. I won't be so careless again.

I make my way back to the bunk room which is surprisingly empty. Wonder where everybody is. Don't care. I plop down on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

It's not like I didn't know this was going to happen, that Ruby was going to try to get into my head. I don't think there's much more Cole can do to tick me off. Although I'm sure he'll find another way.

Eventually I hear the door open and I don't even both to check who it is until I hear a soft voice.

"Tessa," it's Ruby. I don't answer. I know she didn't want to do this, she doesn't know I know that though. It's still hard to not be angry at her, I hate reliving old memories no matter to circumstances.

"I'm sorry I did that," She begins to ramble "I really didn't want to. It's just- you know how Cole gets sometimes when he wants information. I'm so sorry- I- I tried talking him out of it. I know what it's like at Thurmond too and I just-,"

"Stop," I cut her off, "I'm not mad at you alright? I know it was all Cole's doing. I fucking hate his guts." At this she sighs and comes to sit on my bed.

"I know he's intense, but he's not as bad as he seems," She says, "But this was wrong in so many ways and I'm sorry I did that, or sorry Cole made me do that." I can feel how genuine her answers are and it warms my heart. There's literally no way I can stay mad at this girl.

"Don't worry about it. Again, I'm not mad at you. I know you wouldn't do something like that if you didn't have to," I say. She nods in understanding that stares into space for a moment as to contemplate.

"It's just, it feels like my powers ruin all my relationships in somewhat. I just don't want it to ruin ours," she admits. I smile at this, totally understanding where she's coming from. "I understand that, and it hasn't ruined anything between us ok?" She nods in reasurrance at this.

"Now Cole on the other hand," just thinking about him makes me angry, "He's a whole different story." I shake my head, sitting up on my bed.

"I know he's been sucky to you, and I think you know why that is, but he isn't such a bad guy," She tries to justify. "That's when he likes you that is," I add.

She chuckled softly, "Now it might not seem like it, but it does seem like he's got a little soft spot for you, I can feel it," Ruby says. "Yeah well he sure does have a funny way of showing it," I roll my eyes "And I definantly don't have any sort of soft spot for him."

Ruby doesn't answer, the silence bothers me. "What kind of information did he think you would find, I already told him there was nothing there that would help him?" I ask. She starts playing with one of her thick curls.

"He thought there was some information on the new security system. He wanted me to go into your mind to replay when you escaped, trying to find any clues of whatever, things you might not have even noticed," she explains "It just seems like that part of your memories is cut off anyways which is strange, but I mean, it also makes sense in a way."

"I just don't know why he would think I was this selfish person hiding all this information just out of spite," I express. "Don't know about that one," she admits, "Cole's just a pretty reserved person and is used to people hiding things. I guess that was just a hard thing to trust."

Understandable, I'm a pretty reserved person also.

Eventually, Ruby stands up and leaves, claiming that she has plans to meet up with Liam. I believe it, those two are like two peas in a pod.

Everyone eventually comes back to the room for the night, I see everyone sneaking side glances at me. Vida at some point asks me if I'm ok and I simply nod, letting her know I don't want to talk about it. She understands, I admire so much how she never pushes me for any information.

Zu simply comes and gives me a hug, her own little peace offering towards me, I smile at this.

The lights get turned off but I know I won't be able to sleep. Big surprise.

I just lay in bed for a few hours, never truely falling alseep but being in a bit of an imbetween for my anxietys at peak.

Eventually, I toss and turn so much, my bed feels uncomfertable. I silently slip out of the room.

I know for a fact I don't want to go to the training room, that's just asking to see Cole again. Instead, I scavenge around the headquarters for a bit before yet again finding a paper and pen laying around. I grab them and head to the cafeteria.

I sit down at a spot at the back corner, only a sliver of light illuminates my paper just enough so I can see. My pen starts trailing, making random designs like usual.

Who needs therapy when you have a pen and paper. God, what I would do for some therapy right now. Drawing will have to do for now.

My wonderful drawing session is cut off by footsteps coming my my direction. I don't even need to look up to know who it is. Fuck my life.

They sit right in front of me. So much for sitting in the back corner, I thought I was somewhat hidden.

"It wasn't Ruby's doing you know," he starts by saying. I roll my eyes. "I know that. I'm not mad at Ruby," I say. He sighs running a hand through his hair.

"Look, I know we've had our differences-" "We haven't had any 'differences', you've just had it out for me," I cut him off.

At this, I look up at him to find him staring right back at me with great intensity. It feels like he's trying to figure me out, I don't like it.

"I'm sorry T," he finally admits "I don't want us to be enemies anymore."

"That was all your doing," I mutter silently. He nods, as if agreeing with me. Stop agreeing with me.

"Although it's hard for me to believe, I know you probably have enough decency in your heart to tell us any information if you had it," correct you are Cole, got that right. I nod at this.

"You've only heard stories of the camps. You've only seen pictures and videos and traumatized kids after leaving, but you've never actually experienced it. That's something you'll never truely understand no matter how much you try," I tell him. "The shit kids go through is not something I want anyone to have to live even another minute through. So trust me, from my personal experience with the camps, if there was something I could give you to help you. I would."

He nods in understanding. "Yeah. Your right," he admits. Why yes Cole, I am in fact right.

He then stands up and reaches his hand out for me to shake. "Even if you'll never forgive me enough to be friends, I don't want to be enemies anymore alright darlin'?" I look at his hands for a moment.

Fuck, I'm angry at Cole, but for some reason I just can't remain mad at him. Something in my hearts stopping me for a reason I just cant comprehend.

"Fine. Not enemies," I say, grabbing his hand with a firm grip and shaking. She gives me a cheeky smile at this and I laugh under my breath.

"Now, something's telling me you have some pent up anger for my in ya," He says. Got that much right. "How about we take it in the ring. Just our little classic one-on-one combat," he suggests.

I look at him, contemplating for a moment. Do I want to spend more time with Cole than I have to? Shouldn't I be mad at him? Why do I kinda want to spend more time with him?

"Come on darlin', I'll go easy on you," he suggests. I scoff at this. "You won't have to," I retort back, standing up from the bench.

"We'll see about that," is all he says before we both make our way to the training rooms.

Oh Cole, you never fail to confuse me.

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