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Alone. The only word I can think of to describe my current life. I plan to keep it that way. I look over my small camp positioned in the middle of the woods. Consisting nothing but a small fireplace and a homemade shelter of branches leaning against a tree. I enjoy the morning glow that radiates over me as I make my way towards my supply stash. I almost wince when I see what is left of my inventory. I have made it down to my last bottle of water, the only food is a small package of crackers. This is the day I always dread, having to make my way towards civilization and restock. It's barely morning so I start packing, I place all my limited items into my backpack, swing it over my shoulder, and begin my walk.

It's only been a few weeks since my break out from camp, so I know this is dangerous. If they find me I shudder at this. The thought of having to endure the torturing testing done to me at the camps is unbearable to think about, my nightmares remind me of that. So does my camp uniform which I still haven't been able to shake. It's hard enough to find food, let alone clothes.

The uniform consists of nothing but a grey shirt and pants, my camp number etched into it. I walk until I find a road, standing still beside it for a moment, contemplating my next decisions. It has to lead to somewhere I can find supplies. Right? What if someone sees me?

I realize after a few moments that I've been perched by the roadside motionless and snap out of my trance. Just cross the damn road!
I take a deep breath before treking over the apsalt, quickening my pace. The sun beating down on my face restricts my vision, so it's only when I hear the engine roaring down the road that I know I am deeply fucked.

A car rushes past, me standing right in its line of vision. I sprint into the wilderness as a futil attempt of escape. I know they see me because the car only drives a few more feet before abruptly stopping. I jump back into the trees behind me, racing as fast as my legs can take me. This is proven to not be as fast as I thought from the exhaustion and malnourishment that my body is fighting.

I hear footsteps parading behind me and I don't look back. I can't go back to Thurmond! They will kill me. They will finally confirm what I am and kill me. I feel hands push me to the ground, pinning me down as I violently try to shake them off. I swing me elbow back, connecting to the person's face. The grip on my shoulders loosens long enough for me to wiggle out and squirm to my feet. I study the boy's face. Older than me, blonde hair, blue eyes, tall figure. I feel the inferno from my red powers sink in. I could fry him into a blaze without a second thought. I decide I don't need death on my shoulder and calm the urge down as I approach him and cock my arm back, ready to punch. He sees and flinches back, "Jesus, I'm not going to hurt you." I let my arm fall.

He slowly gets back up from the ground, letting out a painful groan as he finally reaches his feet. "It's ok I'm here to help". Like hell your here to help. Nobody is here to help me. Two more figures approach from the trees behind him. I feel my eyes narrow as they approach, my fists clench at my sides. They obviously see that because they begin to approach slower, with more caution. "It's ok, we won't hurt you. I promise." The girl says as a piece dirty blonde falls out of her ponytail.

My stance doesn't change. The boy takes note of my uniform and adds, "We aren't going to take you to a camp," this loosens my posture, I can visibly see them each release a deep breath. The other man that appeared comes to the boy that I had just fought, looks him up and down, and chuckles. I can already see the bruise starting to form on his jaw. "Damn she did that?" the man says. "Yep, we got a feisty one," he replies.

I see the girl approach me in a caring manner. "My name is Cate," she begins "That one is Cole," she tells me pointing to the boy clutching his jaw. She then averts her gaze towards the other man "and that's Rob." I study them. "Have you heard of the children's league?"

Sorry this story was taken down for a little bit, my account was kinda glitching and I thought taking down some of my work might help.
I also didn't think a lot of people were reading it anyways but I think it's awesome that anyones reading it!
So if your reading this... YOUR AWESOME.
Anyways I'm trying to revise some things and release these chapters better then they were before so I'll keep up with that as best as I can.

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