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I stare blankly at the wall, hunched over slightly, feeling my energy draining. I barely register a hand on my arm lightly tugging me. Cole.

"We need to go," he says and I can't read his face. He as much as drags me through the hallways at a fast pace I can barely keep up with. I stumble over my own feet every other step.

"Cole," I mutter silently, trying to inform him of my state. "Not now, we need to get out," he responds quietly.

He pulls me through the door that we entered the red camp and the rest is a blur until we reach the fence. He pushes himself through the fence, letting go of me slightly and I try to catch myself as I stumble a bit, still managing to get through the fence.

He leads us into the woods, I'm guessing back to whatever car he brought. My adrenaline has completely worn off at this point.

"Cole," I say again. "Common we're almost there," he responds. I can't. "Cole," I mutter again in desperation. Cole picks up on my tone, slowing down to face me.

My legs finally give out under me, he catches me as I collapse into him. "Fuck Tess," he exclaims, hugging me as he eases me to the floor.

He holds me in his arms as he sits with me on the ground. The hand that isn't holding me runs up and down my body, searching me for injuries.

I wince when he hand brushes on the stab wound on my side. I can tell he knows he found it too for when he looks at his hand, it's covered in my blood.

"God dammit! Fuck!" He yells as he slowly sets me on the ground. I feel so cold, yet my body is sweating.

I see Cole take his jacket off and rip his shirt off, then tearing it into two. He then unzips my jacket and lifts my shirt up so he can see the wound.

He takes his torn shirt and pulls it around my waist. He balls the other piece up and places it on my wound. I wince.

"This is gonna hurt alright. I'm sorry, so fucking sorry," he says. I don't even register what he's saying until he ties one of the torn pieces and pulls it tightly. I scream in pain. I hear him wince also, as if me being in pain hurts him.

He then comes back to my face, his hand cupping my face. He brushes stray wet hairs on my sweaty forehead, swiping his thumb under my eye to catch a tear. He mutters another stream of curse words.

He breathing is ragged and uneven, still recovering from the tight bandage Cole put on me. My chest heaves up and down,

"Your gonna be ok, you hear me? Please stay awake for me alright darlin'?" He says in the most caring and desperate voice I've ever heard.

I nod with all my energy but I'm not sure if I believe myself. Cole doesn't even hesitate before leaning down and pressing his lips to my forehead in a lingering kiss.

He then carefully bundles me in his arms, wrapping his jacket around my shaking form. "I'm sorry T, I'm so sorry," he says picking me up. I wince and he apologizes yet again. I don't think I've ever see Cole anything like this.

"Why did you have to come? I didn't want to put anyone in danger. Why you?" He says more to himself than to anyone.

He runs with my in his arms, my damp head resting on his bare chest. At some point we come across a car. He opens the passenger side before resting the seat all the way back and setting me in, buckling the seatbelt around me.

He then races over to the drivers side, immediately turning it on and racing down the road. I've never rode this fast before. I barely notice.

"What the fuck was that T?" He says and I conclude he's talking about my powers. "You have all the powers don't you?" He more of states than asks. I can sense his distress and confusion.

"Please stay awake for me love alright?" He says desperately when I'm quiet for a few minutes, "don't you dare fall asleep on my I can't lose you."

I remain in a daze for the rest of the car ride, Cole talking to me the whole way, begging me not to fall asleep. Somehow, his voice keeps me half awake until we come to a stop.

Then I'm in his arms again. He races me into the building. My head once again comfortably on his chest, his embrace feels so warm.

"Cole what were you- what the hell!" I here Cate's voice as she frantically runs over to Cole. I see her blurred face hovering over mine, her hands coming to my face. "What the fuck happened Cole!" She hollers.

"Help her please," he pleads desperately. Others must have heard the commotion for I hear more and more footsteps. "Take her to the infirmary now!" I hear a voice I register as chubs say.

Then I'm moving again, and then being places in a bed. I feel my shirt being cut from me. "Cole you need to leave now," Cate says and I panic.

"No," I croak out in a cry. I see Chubs and Cate look at each other. "Fine, just stay out of the way," Chubs says.

Cole takes one of my hands in his, kissing my knuckles before running his fingers through my damp hair and brushing his soft thumb on my cheeks.

The last thing I hear before I drift into nothingness is Cole telling me it's going to be ok, and the comfort of his presence.

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