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I continue my day with anger radiating from me. I try to hide it, but it's harder then you would think. My conversation with Cole keeps playing over and over again in my head. It drives me absolutely nuts how he just pries and pries into my life.

I really would love to tell him a way into Thurmond, I really fucking would. I would love to go up to him and tell him how the security works, how I breached it all and found a flaw. How I broke the system and managed to get away without a trace. Those would all be blunt lies.

How am I supposed to tell him the real way I got out, how I successfully burned down the whole side of the building when I unleashed my powers, no doubt killing people in the act. That isn't exactly something I'm ok with sharing. It's one of the things that will just have to haunt me forever, that I've taken lives with my own hands.

Instead, I take the time to wash myself up. Heading to the bathrooms with my small shower bag. I'm surprised at this point I haven't seen Cole all day, but yet again, the only reason I probably saw him often before was because he was looking for a way to "get close to me". Fuck you Cole.

I storm into the bathroom without even realizing I'd slammed the door. I hear two surprised gasps and turn to see Vida and Zu both sitting on the floor. "Somebodys angry today," Vida notices. Wow I didn't think you could tell.

"Yeah," I say shortly, getting my stuff and heading to the showers. "Don't want to talk about it? I get that," Vida says, "But how about you put your anger towards something else." I turn my head with a questio towards her.

She smiles before lifting a box of hair dye out from behind her. "I was just about to do some streaks in Zu's hair. Cate sometimes manages to get me some while she's out, as you can obviously tell," she says, refering to the streaks of blue in her own hair.

I contemplate for a moment, before deciding that I'm already feeling impulsive, so what the hell. "Fuck yah," I say. A huge smile comes across Zu and Vida's face at my enthusiasm. Zu then moves over a bit, patting the spot next to her as to urge me to sit. I comply, plopping down beside her.

"Now what were we thinking today? Streaks? underneath the head? The whole head?" Vida asks. I think for a moment. I'm lucky my hairs already light enough to where color could just pass without bleach. "Let's just do under the head," I say. I glance over at Zu, Vida has to pull out the hair bleack for her, for her color so dark it's almost black.

"What's Zu going to be doing?" I ask. Zu starts fluffing her hair in exitment causing me and Vida to laugh. "Zu Zu over here is going to be doing some streaks. As you can tell she's very excited," She says. Zu nods her head frantically.

We spend the next hours figuring out the bleach for Zu's hair as well as dying my own. We laugh and joke about various things and I am more than grateful when no one mentions my anger from earlier or even pushes me to talk about it.

"And then he said. No! your gonna cut youself if you cut that fast! And I literally told him, you better watch when you speak to me when I'm holding a knife or I might just cut you!" Vida bursts out laughing, referring to the encounter she had with Chubs the other day. "He's to smart for hsi own good," I laugh with her.

"Right? He's always like, do this, do that, this is wrong, don't you know this. No I dont! I'm not a fucking green," We all break out laughing again, Zu, doubling over in silent laughter. I smile. Even if I never feel like I'm at home, being around these girls is about the closest I'll ever feel to it.

At some point, vida decides that put hair has been in the dye enough and we head to the showers to wash it all out. I needed to good shower anyways.

When all the dye is washed out, I come to look in the mirror. My hair is soaking wet so it's hard to tell what it looks like with the color, but I can see the area of pink peaking out from under my head.

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