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the jeon couple were now on the ride back to their home.

it was a bit over past two in the afternoon when they had checked out as jungkook still had to prepare for his business trip tomorrow.

"we should come back next time and avail the family deal again, maybe have a little taekook by then too." taehyung jokes as the hotel was now fading out of their sight as they drove.

jungkook hummed as he intertwined their fingers. "yeah, we can do that but... let's enjoy with the two of us for now."

"of course" taehyung replied, eyes soft with a warm smile on his lips.

the blonde male had always been very vocal about his opinion on having kids - he didn't want to have kids, not now at least.

due to his upbringing where his parents basically didn't care about him, he's been conflicted about starting his own family or specifically having kids.

he knows he wasn't ready for the responsibility not wanting for his child to experience the same way so he had told taehyung that he wanted to enjoy their marriage with just the two of them for now until he's ready.

as much as taehyung loved children, hence he was working as a teacher at a private primary school and volunteer work at a day care, he respected jungkook's decision.

he knew that his childhood had greatly affected him and was very understanding about it.

why bring a child into this world when you know you can't handle the responsibility.

"i need to drop by the main office real quick to get some papers." jungkook informed which the brunette nodded and saying he doesn't mind.

far from how he grew up, the blonde haired male now owns a chain of bars and nightclubs that are one of the most popular in the country.

aside from his hard work, it was taehyung that had inspired him to be a better version of himself.

he couldn't see himself spending the rest of his days with anyone else.


the day was going so well for the brunette but now he had a frown on his face, not pleased with the scene infront of him at all.

he made a loud cough to get the woman's attention who was literally and bashfully touching jungkook in ways he doesn't like, his eyes glaring at her.

their supposed quick drop by at jungkook's office got extended at the sudden arrival of one of the blonde male's investors, mr lee with his daughter, natalia.

taehyung wouldn't really mind the sudden informal meeting but the daughter was being a bit to friendly and touchy with his husband.

the brunette was already introduced by jungkook and quietly sat beside him on the couch as mr lee and his daughter sat on the opposite.

jungkook had told him that he could wait in the lounge, outside or wherever he preferred but he decided to stay by his side seeing the daughter's predator eyes on his husband.

it almost made him want to gag out seeing how she overly laugh, stroking and touching jungkook's arm at every chance she could get. batting her fake lashes and bending more than she should just to probably show off her cleavage or whatever it is she wanted to show inside the tight plunging neckline blouse she was wearing.

if it wasn't for jungkook's arm wrap around his waist and subtly caressing him reassuringly, he might've snapped at the woman already.

maybe splash water on her face and watch all her make up get washed away. at least he has eyebrows unlike her that were clearly drawn.

taehyung wasn't the jealous type or really cared about how people prefer to look. it was their life and body anyway but he just couldn't stand when people still try to flirt with someone who was clearly uncomfortable and married.

jungkook was very much aware of mr lee's daughter's advances towards him but didn't comment not wanting to create an issue with the old man who had been nothing but a good business partner to him and sadly, oblivious of his daughter's doings.

"again, i'm sorry for this sudden meeting. i just wanted to make sure that all of my share gets transferred to natalia." mr lee says as he glanced at her daughter who innocently smiles.

'poor old man just wanting the best for his daughter.' taehyung thoughts as he also smiled towards the father and daughter.

"of course, the pleasure is all mine. i'll have my secretary send you the papers as soon as possible." jungkook states as he stood up shaking the old man's hand and nathalia's as well for respect.

taehyung had a calm smile on his face as he also acknowledged the two. bowing to the old man who was a bit startled at the respectful action making him return the gesture and telling his daughter to do the same who frowned a bit but complied. now's not the time to be on his father's bad side now that she's about to inherit his shares.

"i'm sorry about that, baby." jungkook murmurs as soon as they were alone in the office, an arm snaking on the brunette's waist pulling him close. "i didn't know mr lee would be coming today... and with her daughter."

taehyung sighs. "what can i do? my husband is just too in demand." he half teased, making the other chuckle giving his lips a peck.

"i love you." jungkook murmurs, a smug smile on his lips.

taehyung only rolled his eyes as he pecks the male's lips but still couldn't help but comment.

"if she was my daughter, i would've smacked her."


jungkook and taehyung were soon back in the comfort of their home.

the brunette was pretty much pouty as he sat by the edge of the bed, eyes following the blonde male's every move as he walked from their bedroom to their walk in closet and shoving clothes inside the suitcase he'll
be bringing with him.

he soon decided to help his husband fold his clothes despite his heart feeling heavy. he should actually be used to this by now as jungkook had been to business trips countless of times leaving him but he's not and he don't think he'll ever will.

the blonde male internally chuckles seeing how the brunette was oh so slowly folding his clothes, mouth in a pout as if his slow movements would delay or make a difference of him leaving.

"hey, it's just a few weeks and i promise to call you every day." jungkook says trying to lighten up his husband's mood.

he never liked seeing taehyung sour and upset, especially if he was the one causing it.

"i know..." the brunette mumbled, not wanting to sound whiny and childish as he bit his lip.

"come here" the dominant male gently held the other's waist and swiftly settling him on his lap, taehyung now straddling him. eyes shy as he remained to look elsewhere other than the blonde male.

"don't be upset, baby." jungkook says as he softly held the other's chin to look at him and giving him a smile before gently pecking his lips.

"i love you" he murmurs, lips hovering the other's own.

"i love you."

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