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"jungkook, i'm pregnant."

taehyung had a small hopeful smile on his lips as he had finally said the words. although, it instantly vanished as he feels his husband's hold on him loosen.

he watched as jungkook's face turned to confusion, surprised before a frown had etched his lips. a completely far expression from what he had awhile ago, his entire demeanour changing.

their calm atmosphere instantly shifting to a heavy and tense one that made the brunette almost regret saying it.

"what do you mean you're pregnant?" jungkook asks, voice cold and low that sent shivers on the smaller male's skin.

"i'm pregnant with our child, jungkook." taehyung states, a hand instinctively going to his tummy as he saw the blonde male's dark eyes momentarily flicking down to his cloth stomach.

"i missed my period twice now... and it must've been during valentines" he quickly added, although he knew that the information wasn't that convincing as he looked at the dominant male's still unreadable expression but of course he had the positive test results.

"i took some pregnancy tests, they all came positive." taehyung says, a bit of excitement laced in his voice and a small smile on his lips as he took out the pregnancy sticks that he was keeping in his pocket and handed them to jungkook.

and just like the first time, his small smile was wiped off his lips as the dominant male just looked down on the test kits. his little excitement diminishing with the lack of enthusiasm from the other.

"i took them last week but i wanted to tell you when you come home ." the brunette mumbled as he withdrew his hand, mouth biting the insides of his cheeks as his chest was feeling heavy from his husband's lack of reaction.

he was about to keep the test sticks back in his pocket seeing that the other doesn't seem to be interested as him but was surprised when the dominant male finally took them.

a very uncomfortable silence engulfed them as the smaller male watched jungkook inspect the positive pregnancy tests, taehyung keeping his mouth sealed not wanting to say anything more that may make matters worse.

he had always envisioned his pregnancy announcement to be a joyous event, where he and jungkook would surprise friends and family but of course with him surprising his husband first not whatever tension that was happening with them now. not like this.

they got the surprise part at least but not just as excitement as he had hoped for.

"but weren't you on the pills that night?" jungkook spoke finally speaks as he looked at the brunette with a confused raised brow, tone accusing.

"i was... i did but guess it didn't work..." taehyung mumbled looking down on his feet.

both were educated enough knowing that despite the pills being a popular and common choice, it's efficacy rate wasn't the best.

luck was just not on their side when they decided to rely on it that night.

"say something..." the brunette mumbled as another moment of silence had passed by in between them, the blonde male not saying a word.

"what? what do you want me to say, taehyung? that i'm happy because i'm not."

the words startled the brunette not expecting the other to snap at him. his heart dropping and regretting of even asking the other to speak.

jungkook rarely calls him by his first name, he had always addressed him with endearment plus him saying that he wasn't happy about his pregnancy was a stab to his heart.

"how can you be so reckless, taehyung? you know we still don't plan to have kids."

the accusation startled the brunette again and suddenly made him glare at the blonde male, not believing what he was hearing.

"what? reckless? why are you blaming me? it's not like i could just get pregnant on my own, jungkook. we had sex, we made love that night. you and me." taehyung states, sounding a bit harsh than he had intended but he wanted to state his point over to his husband who seemed to have forgotten how he can get pregnant.

he was so full and leaking. they were up til morning!

"well, didn't you say you were on the pills? that i didn't have to use a condom and there won't be a problem afterwards?" jungkook spats, an accusing finger pointed to the brunette. "and now you're giving me this problem?" he exclaims voice ending a bit louder that made the brunette flinch.

jungkook eyes briefly widened a bit, surprised from his own sudden outburst. he had never raised his voice at taehyung and never intended to.

"i'm sorry... i didn't mean to." he said with a frustrated sigh, his eyes momentarily softening as he brushed a hand up his hair.

"it's just that hadn't we talked about this, about having kids?"

the brunette bit his lip trying to keep his emotions intact as he looked down on his feet, tears now pooling in his eyes.

he respected jungkook's decisions and understood his rough upbringing but it's not like they could just ignore this whole pregnancy or get rid of their baby.

taehyung couldn't even dare think of not pushing through with this pregnancy.

he wouldn't allow it.

"but we did have plans to have our own child, didn't we? it's just a bit earlier than what we had planned for."

"yes, we did but not now, taehyung."

the brunette just got more frustrated with the blonde's reply and the dominant male now walking backed inside their house with him quickly trailing behind as he wiped off the small tears in his eyes.

"what difference does it make, jungkook? this blessing was given to us now, are you not going to accept it just because you think it's not yet the right time?" taehyung exclaimed. "it's our child, jungkook." the brunette utters towards the end, voice cracking as tears had welled up again in his eyes.

jungkook couldn't even dare to look at his husband hearing the sadness and hurt laced in his voice as he started to grab his things.

"i know you're scared, jungkook but we're not like your parents. he won't experience anything you had to go through, our little one will have us." taehyung says that made the dominant male halt in his tracks, the words making flashbacks of his unwanted childhood memories flashing before his eyes.

memories that he had wanted to erase, the abuse, the beatings, the way his parents had recklessly brought him into this world.

the way they just didn't care about him, letting him starve and survive on his own.

"we can do it together, jungkook. we'll learn together to be the best parents we can be..." taehyung says intending to be encouraging but his voice was laced with desperation wanting jungkook to accept the situation.

the brunette's chest just tightened as the blonde male ignored his words, a brief silence engulfing them once again at the lack of response.

"i'm sorry, tae. that baby is a mistake." jungkook says as he throws the pregnancy sticks into the trash bin, the action shattering the brunette's heart into pieces making him softly gasp, a tear falling down his eyes.

"h-how can you say that?" taehyung sobbed, voice small as tears had now clouded his eyes.

"w-where are you going?..."


taehyung panicked as he watched the dominant male grabbed his car key, he followed him until the main hall, breathing ragged as the other hadn't even spared him another glance.

before the horrified brunette could even react and say another word the blonde male was already out of their home, closing the door shut leaving him all alone.

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