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everything around jungkook had blurred out.

before he could even register the whole situation, he was already speeding up to the hospital.

he didn't hear what the yunhee lady was still saying at the phone, his eyes focused on the road passing all the red lights. his mind only occupied by an image of taehyung sweetly smiling at him- but was soon replaced by the image of the crashed car.

"no... no..." the blonde male frantically chants, tears starting to brim in his eyes as he parks the car and ran to the emergency area of the seoul national medical hospital.

his bewildered eyes looked around, lost and confused seeing patients everywhere. doctors and nurses running around before he spots the reception area.

"m-my husband, jeon taehyung where is he? please, tell me where he is."

the nurse at the station immediately recognised the name, his face turning into an apologetic look remembering how badly and critical the said patient was when he was brought in.

"he's currently undergoing surgery. please follow me." the nurse simply said.

jungkook was led to a less crowded hallway and was soon sat on one of the benches near the emergency room doors, the red light above the double doors lit up, a sign meaning that an emergency procedure is going on.

the blonde male only starred at the door as the nurse got him a bottled of water, placing it on the empty seat beside him as the other was unresponsive.

"please know that the doctors are doing everything they can for your husband and your baby." the nurse says giving a pity look over the blonde male before walking away, the words processing in jungkook's brain - his husband and their baby.

not only was taehyung in a critical condition but their baby as well is on the brink of death.

he burried his face in the palms of his hand as he started to cry, his mind flashing back to how they had ended up in this situation.

it was all his fault.

if he had just accepted the baby, if he had just talked things out with taehyung... if he didn't just left his husband after announcing he was pregnant... then they wouldn't be in this situation.

taehyung had been nothing but understanding to him, the brunette had never pressured him about having children. he had accepted everything about him, his past and all his flaws.

but this is what he did in return for him.

they were both responsible for the sudden pregnancy. taehyung was willing to take responsibility but he wasn't.

he had said that he doesn't want his child to experience what he had gone through but what was he doing now?

he had abandoned his child from the start, as far as telling taehyung that their child was a mistake.

he's the reason why taehyung and their unborn child are fighting for their life now; because he was selfish and had only thought of himself.

he was now facing the consequences of his actions.


a few hours had already passed, not a single doctor had emerged out of the room.

jungkook would look up everytime the doors would swing open but only to be met by nurses running and doing errands.

"have some water, jungkook." jimin offers as he opened a bottle of water, own puffy eyes gazing at the dazed blonde male whose lip was cut and bruised after being punched by yoongi a few hours ago.

jungkook was able to inform the yoonmin couple about taehyung when jimin had called him again.

in a matter of minutes the two had arrived with yoongi knowing everything that had happened turned all his anger and frustration at jungkook and punching him as soon as they met in the hallways.

jimin was horrified at the scene as he held yoongi back not fully understanding the situation but could see the rage in his boyfriend's eyes.

jungkook on the other hand didn't fight back or said anything but a small murmur of "i'm sorry, hyung..." making yoongi glare at him with hatred, huffing in frustration and walked away.

as soon as yoongi was out of sight, the blonde male had broken down, crying and apologising telling jimin the whole story.

jimin doesn't say much, he didn't want to blame him nor blame taehyung. they both did the act and both of them should take responsibility for it wherein jungkook had said he had realised his mistakes and regrets his actions.

the three were soon seating in the benches still waiting, no one uttering a word except for jimin who occasionally would try to make some small talk which mostly consists of asking jungkook to at least eat or drink as the said man had been stagnant on his seat.

jimin sighs as jungkook ignored his bottled water and yoongi glaring at the blonde male but bit his tongue in saying anything more knowing his boyfriend would get upset if he makes another comment.

it was about another hour when taehyung's doctor had emerged from the operating room, jungkook's head immediately snapping towards the door as he stood up, tired eyes boring onto the doctor.

"h-how is he?"

"he's in a stable condition, mr jeon. we'll be transferring them to the ICU [intensive care unit] and you'll be able to visit him." the doctor said simply, the news making jungkook's body relax a bit.

"o-our baby?"

"your husband and the baby's condition are thankfully stable as we speak." the doctor reassured with a small smile. "your husband is a fighter." he adds remembering the moment they had almost lost taehyung but miraculously was able to get a response.

loosing him means loosing the baby aswell.

jimin squeezed yoongi's hand as a small smile and small sigh of relief escaped his lips.

"however, i regret to inform you that we don't know when he'll wake up. his body is stable and responding but gaining consciousness is another thing. it'll be all up to him." the doctor explained making the three knit their brows in confusion. "the best we can do is to make sure his positive response continues to progress especially for the sake of the baby."

"w-what do you mean?"

"i don't know how else to word it out for you but your husband is in a coma, mr jeon."


hello♥︎ i apologise for abruptly taking a week break but i'm back now and will be focusing and finishing this book then maybe take a longer break after~♥︎

thank you for patiently waiting♥︎


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