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"hey, baby. i'm here." jungkook softly exclaimed as he puts the fresh boquet of roses on the bed side table and leaning down to press a kiss on his sleeping husband's forehead.

"i'm sorry i was a bit late, i decided to do all my meetings today so i can take a day off tomorrow and spend it with you." he adds as he got a chair to sit on beside the brunette's bed.

"how about you, my little tiger? have you missed daddy?" jungkook murmured as he gently placed the palm of his hand on the small bump that was now evident on taehyung's tummy.

despite the talk the blonde male had made, he got no response.

silence had engulfed the room as jungkook bit his lip, eyes starting to get teary despite the well composed act he was trying to hold. only the sound of the machines beeping can be heard - machines that was keeping his husband alive.

four months.

it's been months since the accident, four months since taehyung had been in coma.

the doctors had been honest with jungkook saying there was nothing much they can do but to make sure they'll have to keep him alive and stable for the sake of the baby, waking up is all up to taehyung.

thankfully their baby - a baby boy that was being closely monitored is perfectly normal and healthy.

tears had now pooled around again on the blonde male's eyes as he gently clutched on the brunette's hand, softly pressing a kiss at the back of his palm.

"please wake up, baby... i miss you... i miss you so much." jungkook sobs. "i'm sorry... i'm so sorry...."

the yoonmin couple gently shuts the hospital room door, jimin sighing as this had always been a sight they came across every time jungkook returned.

he knew the blonde was very much trying his best to go on everyday without breaking but he can see it, everyone can see it how broken he is. how he hardly sleeps and would always be beside taehyung's bed unless he needed to go for work, use the bathroom or one of them was able to force him to do something. other than that, the rest of his hours would be spent in the same spot.

"we should at least force him to sleep, he hasn't slept properly. i heard from hoseok that he's always locked up in his office. taetae would be devastated if he sees jungkook at this state." jimin says as he sat down beside yoongi who was quick to wrap an arm around his shoulder and pressing a kiss on his temple.

"the only way i can think of getting him to sleep is have him take a sleeping pill or knock him out." yoongi casually exclaimed.

"yoongi..." jimin whines as he huffs, glaring at his boyfriend.

"i'm just kidding, babe... let's talk to him" the mint haired male replied not wanting to see his boyfriend all worried and stressed out.

although, he lets out a sigh as they've been trying to talk to the younger about taking a rest but the other would always reply with a "i'm feeling fine, hyungs. i want to be beside taehyung just incase he wakes up."

but sadly it's been months and the brunette hasn't shown any signs of waking up.

"i want taetae to wake up..." jimin murmurs after awhile, voice craking, own eyes starting to tear up as he looked at yoongi who frowns and immediately engulfing him in his arms.

"everything will be alright, he'll wake up soon." the mint haired male comforts not knowing what else to say as the only thing they can do is wait.


jimin and yoongi was quiet as they head back inside the hospital room seeing that the blonde male had surprisingly fallen asleep beside taehyung.

his position looks uncomfortable as he was still sitting on the stool, his head resting by the brunette's arm. their hands loosely intertwined with each other.

the hours passed by quick and uneventful, jimin had arranged the flowers jungkook had bought in the vase replacing the old ones that the other had also bought for the brunette last week.

yoongi had headed out for work and soon returned with some take away. the yoonmin couple would try as much as possible to accompany jungkook in the hospital. they would leave late at night and return the next day.

the three were having dinner, jimin and yoongi a bit at ease as the blonde male willingly ate with them.

probably because yoongi happened to buy food from the dumpling place that taehyung frequents too and bought some bibimbap and kombucha lemon drinks which the blonde male really likes.

the trio immersed in small talk, jimin making a few jokes as he was kind of slightly tipsy as he opted to drink beer. jungkook also seemed to be in a good mood as he laughed along with the yoonmin couple.

the yoonmin couple was soon helping jungkook clean up as they prepare to head out. the blonde male also starting to fix his make shift bed - the two seater sofa beside taehyung's bed.

they were all immersed and busy cleaning up wanting to rest when jungkook had briefly caught the brunette's finger move.

the blonde male was holding his comforter and about to place it on the sofa when his eyes caught the slightest movement.

his whole body froze, heart suddenly beating loudly in his chest, eyes wide as he momentarily stood on his spot.

"jungkook, are you okay?" jimin suddenly asked seeing the blonde awkwardly frozen in place.


before jungkook could say what he saw, they all froze as the machines had started beeping loudly and wildly.

their eyes suddenly turned wide as their bodies went numb and frozen, another second passing before they realised what was happening.

they were loosing taehyung.

it was yoongi who had acted first and dashed out the room calling for help, jimin in tears with his hands over his mouth while jungkook rushed over to taehyung holding his body that had started to seizure.

jungkook was screaming for help as he held back his tears, two doctors and nurses soon rushing in.

"code blue, clear the room and prepare for resuscitation." the head doctor announced, the nurses quick to usher a panicked yoongi, a frantic jimin and a restraining jungkook that two male nurses had to drag out of the room.

yoongi was quick to have jimin in his arms while jungkook fell on the floor, burrying his face in his palms as he started to sob.

"don't leave me, taehyung..."


again, some scenarios here in are only written for the sake of this fictional story hehe<3

︎︎♡︎ elle

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