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jungkook didn't know if there's anything more worse to follow.

after the doctors were able to get taehyung back, they had talked to him privately saying he should prepare for a possible worst case scenario - take the baby out prematurely in attempts to keep him alive through c-section if his husband's condition worsened or if he goes to another cardiac arrest. the chances of saving both was slim and down to a small percentage.

so at this point, the doctors had already suggested on who to prioritise - the baby. still, all the decisions would be up to jungkook and they would respect whatever he chooses.

the blonde male was conflicted not even wanting to think about it as taehyung isn't even brain dead or in a vegetative state, he was very much alive. choosing to prioritise their baby is basically deciding to let him go.

and he doesn't want that. he can't live with that.


"hey, baby. i hope you wake up soon... i love you." jungkook murmured as he pressed a soft kiss on his husband's warm hand before gently caressing his cheek.

he admired how peaceful the brunette looked despite the tubes and machines sorrounding him.

the yoonmin couple had also been sleeping in the hospital room with him. after what had happened, the two of them also now had a hard time to leave the brunette alone in the room even for a second.

it was currently four in the morning, yoongi and jimin already asleep and snuggled together in their own makeshift sofa bed.

the blonde male was very much awake, sitting in his usual spot on a stool beside his husband's bed.

people had been telling him to talk to taehyung despite his current state since it was possible he could hear him and he did just that.

he would tell him about his day or any random thought that would cross his mind, he would softly sing to him and mostly, he would talk to him about his plans when he wakes up - plans about him and their baby. about them being a family.

"have you thought of a name for our baby boy?" jungkook softly talks again as he caressed his husband's hand.

he would pause for a moment, silence engulfing the room with only the sounds of the machines beeping heard and a few voices down the hallway before speaking again.

"oh, i was planning to renovate one of our rooms for him but i'm not sure about the colours to choose and i might need your help for that." he says with a soft giggle intertwining his larger hands with the other's own. "i was leaning towards blue or grey but i'm sure you'd prefer something livelier." he adds.

"let's plan it all out when you wake up." he lastly murmured with a sad smile before pressing a kiss on his husband's forehead.

he sat there, softly humming to the brunette before finally falling asleep beside his husband's arm. his sitting position not being a problem as he had already been quite used to it by now.

the blonde was soon deep in his slumber, dreaming that he was back home. his husband standing by their front door with their little boy wrapped around his arms.

the sight so nostalgic, it almost felt too real. the brunette dressed in the white dress he had always loved on him and how the brunette met his gaze, eyes turning into small crescents as he smiled wide and sweetly at him.

a lone tear had fell in the corner of the sleeping blonde male's eyes, it was a tear of mixed feelings - of sadness, longing and of happiness of the sight he was seeing in his dream.

if he had suddenly woken up, he would've seen a more evident movement from the fingers intertwined with his.

taehyung was waking up.


the sleeping blonde male let out a groan, his eyes squinting and a frown forming in his lips as he felt someone shaking him.


"jungkook wake up"

despite the voice telling him to wake him up which he bet was jimin, his hands instinctively searched for his husband's but was instantly awake and alert when he couldn't feel them.

he sat up straight, body alert but froze when he felt the familiar warmth gently engulfing his rough hand that almost made him flinch.

a small gasp had left his lips, eyes wide as he slowly shifted his gaze from their intertwined hands up to seeing the wide hazel brown eyes he had been longing to see starring back at him.


jungkook didn't believe it at first, thinking he was dreaming but locking with the other's confused eyes was all the confirmation he had needed.

this was real.

the brunette's body was tense as his eyes looked around, hand tightly clutched on his husband's larger ones.

the blonde male was frozen in place, tears brimming around his eyes as his trembling hand gently reached out for the brunette who turned to look at him and let out a small shaky breath.

"k-kookie... i- i was so scared..." taehyung squeaked out in spite of the dryness in his throat, wide teary eyes looking up at his husband. his voice small and horse and almost inaudible but jungkook heard him clearly.

the blonde gently wrapped his arms around his husband's smaller frame, demeanour shifting to a protective one as taehyung started to cry against his chest.

"you're safe now... i'm here..." the blonde male murmured as he gently caressed the other's brunette hair.

it was jimin who had seen taehyung regaining consciousness and had shook yoongi to wake up and call a doctor.

he had momentarily stood in his place, feet frozen and eyes wide with tears as he saw the brunette gradually waking up and soon had rushed to his side.

as soon as he had seen the younger's eyes slowly fluttering open he scampered to the other side of the bed, shaking for the still sleeping jungkook to wake up.

doctors and nurses soon had flooded inside the room making sure that the patient was alright, all of them also relieved and happy seeing the brunette now awake.

"f-four months?" the brunette gasped as the doctor was slowly briefing him about his condition and what had happened making sure to not put him in a state of shock or panic.

it was also only in that moment that taehyung had took noticed of the bump now evident in his tummy that made his eyes wide again, another gasp to escape his lips.

he didn't know why or how but in his mind the accident had only happened yesterday but his bulging stomach was enough proof otherwise.

"we'll monitor you and your baby for a few more days to make sure you're all good to be discharged." the doctor announced before congratulating the couple again and leaving the room with the yoonmin couple.

as much as jimin and yoongi wanted to also be by the brunette's side, they knew the two had to talk and wanted to give them their privacy.

the brunette still had his eyes wide as he now starred down at his rounded stomach, flashbacks of everything that had happened flooding in his mind.

the sudden pregnancy, the arguments, the accident- everything that had lead them here. everything he thought only had happened yesterday but it's been months.

this made him to anxiously turn to jungkook who was standing by his side, his hand immediately protectively settling on his tummy.

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