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it was already past two in the morning.

the tv was left on, a random online shopping channel playing when the sleeping male suddenly wakes up, tear stained cheeks still a bit damp.

his eyes flutter open as he slowly looked around, dazed and confused as to where he was before realising he was still in the living room and was still waiting for his husband to come home.

he quickly got his phone expecting at least a text from jungkook but a frown immediately formed in his lips seeing none but just a blank screen.

it wasn't a minute later when he heard a sound of a car engine making him turn towards the window, immediately dashing to take a peek outside.

and sure enough, he caught glimpse of the familiar black rover driving up that made his puffy eyes tear up as he heads to the front door.

he hadn't even noticed that he wasn't wearing any slippers or something warm over his body until the chilly breeze had brushed against his skin, the white dress he was still wearing not really helpful with the type of cool weather.

he let out a sigh of relief as he wiped off the small tears in his eyes, as he saw the blonde male get out of the car.

he felt a small pang in his chest when he was finally able to take a good look at his husband - his hair was disheveled, shirt unbuttoned exposing his chest, probably because his body was feeling hot and a few stains on the fabric probably from whatever liquid he was drinking.

one thing is for sure, the blonde male was drunk as he stumbled and would've fallen on the concrete ground if it wasn't for the brunette immediately coming over to steady him.

it also made taehyung want to scold his husband for driving at this state but decided to bit back his tongue knowing it wasn't of any use at the moment.

he quickly brushed off his tears as he properly helped the dominant male up who just clinged to him for support, mouth mumbling incoherent words.

taehyung's heart couldn't help but flutter, feeling the other close and his warmth against his own. something he didn't know he was longing for since their fight earlier.

having the other in his arms momentarily made him forget about everything as he was just feeling relieved and thankful that the blonde male was safe and was now back home.

"careful" taehyung mumbled as they walked inside the house, trying his best to balance them both as his body was definitely nothing compared to his husband's.

he let out a small sigh as he was finally able to close the door, jungkook still leaning on him for support, groggily mumbling.

the brunette doesn't even know if the blonde was awake or asleep at this point, he also couldn't help but scrunched up his nose at the smell wafting off the other. he was very much reeking of alcohol and something else that seemed to be too strong but he couldn't actually pinpoint what.

"keep your hold onto me, kookie" the brunette slowly instructs to his drunk husband as he led them up to their bedroom.

it took them a good few minutes to get up the flight of stairs as jungkook seemed to briefly shut down or the brunette almost loosing his balance as the other would put all his weight on him.

a sigh left the drunk blonde male's lips seemingly recognising the comfort of their bed as taehyung had now slowly laid him on top.

if it was in any other situation, the brunette would be furious and pissed especially with the fact jungkook had driven at a very drunken state.

but after everything that had happened he couldn't even think of being angry at his husband.

it deeply hurt him as he hadn't seen jungkook like this in awhile for a long time. it somehow made him feel guilty that he was the cause as to why he's in this state.

he let out a sigh as he gently removed jungkook's shoes and a bit annoyed having him walk with his shoes on in the house and even on the bed.

it should always be removed before entering the house.

he fully unbuttoned the blonde's shirt, unbuckled his belt then proceeded to remove his pants, socks and leaving him in his briefs.

taehyung then headed to the bathroom to get a damp towel to at least wipe and clean the other so he wouldn't feel to hot and sticky.

he slowly sat beside him, careful not to wake him up. well, it's not like he'd wake up even if he probably jumped on the bed.

he gently tilts jungkook's head as he wiped his face with the damp towel, softly brushing strands of his blonde hair off his face.

tears had once again taken its place on his hazel brown eyes as he starred at his husband's peaceful sleeping face.

he gently caressed his cheeks as he leaned down to press a soft kiss on his parted lips, tears streaming down his cheeks as he let his lips linger for a moment.

"i'm sorry for creating this mess..." he sobs, hands fisted on jungkook's chest. "i-i promise to fix this... i'll do what you want... i love you" he murmurs as leaned down to press a kiss another kiss on the blonde male's forehead.

he then soon was done wiping the other clean and discarded the damp towel before turning off the lights and settled back on the bed.

he pulled the warm blanket over them as he snuggled close to his husband, his head on the brunette's chest, feeling his calm breathing steadily rising and falling.

the soft snores from the other filling his ears as he closed his eyes, a small smile on his lips as he hugged the blonde male tighter.

jungkook is here now, they'll be alright. everything will be alright.

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