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taehyung didn't know where he was heading to.

his hands were trembling, his eyes were blurry with tears as he drove, taking a turn, speeding up, stopping at a red light and driving off again.

his breathing was ragged as he tried to keep himself calm, a few cars honking at him as he would slightly swerve in his lane. a few even rolling down their windows to scream at him before speeding off.

he sniffed as his phone started to ring, he wiped his eyes with his hand, the other securely clutched on the stirring wheel.

luckily, his phone was connected to the car so he was able to swiftly answer it with a press of a button on the touch screen.


"hey, babe. it's me jimin, what time will you be here? i was about to submit the student forms but there's a few pages that still needs your signature." jimin speaks through the phone unaware of the brunette's wrecked state.

the brunette sniffed as he stopped at another red light and wiped off more of his tears not wanting for his friend to know what was happening on the other end.

"oh, of course. i'll be there..." taehyung briefly says as casual as he can but he couldn't hide the hoarseness of his voice.

"are you alright? you sound... weird." jimin replied, a brief silence passing the two as the brunette bit his lip before hearing the other let out a sigh.

"i don't want to intrude but yoongi told me he met you this morning. i understand he didn't want to tell me your problem since it wasn't his story tell but if you need someone to talk to you know i'm here for you always, tae. me and yoongi are here if you need anyone to talk to."

the brunette had tears in his eyes again as he bit back a sob - he really needs someone right now.

"t-thank you, jiminie... i needed to hear that..." he mumbled, lips curling a bit as he eyes the red traffic light.

jimin knew something was up but didn't want to be pushy about the topic on the phone.

"i'll see you here in school, yeah?"

"okay, i'll see you too, jiminie. please wait for me." taehyung mumbled finally deciding to take a u-turn to head towards the school.

a warm and tight hug from jimin sounds really good and it might be something he badly needs right now.

he also couldn't believe he even forgot he had work today if it wasn't for the other calling and getting him back to his senses.

"of course, i'll even wait for you at the gates and let me hop in so we'll look for a parking spot together." jimin exclaimed over the phone making the brunette lightly giggle which made the other smile.

"see you, jiminie."

the brunette ended the call and as if on cue the traffic light turns green enabling him also to turn left and make the u-turn.

if taehyung had only looked to his right longer, he would've seen the truck speeding up to beat the red light as he maneuvered his car to the other lane.

his confused eyes widened as he hears a loud honking and screeching tires making him turn to his right, teary eyes wide before seeing the front of a huge truck right outside his car window and mere seconds away from him before crashing onto his car.

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