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today is the day jungkook would be coming back home.

in normal occasions, taehyung would be over the moon excited about it but now he wasn't sure what he was really feeling.

he was currently in the living room, bottom lip in between his teeth as he stares at the positive pregnancy test in his hand. the information just seemingly sinking in his mind despite it being days since he had taken the tests.

he honestly didn't know what he was expecting to feel about the pregnancy but he had been feeling overwhelmed, happy the past few days. even jungkook had noticed it, commenting over the phone how he seemed to be in a good mood lately.

he had been restraining himself everytime he was on a phone call with jungkook wanting to spill the news but didn't knowing all too well it wasn't the best way to let the other know.

jimin had also been calling him non stop wanting to know what the results were but he  also hadn't told him yet wanting his husband to be the first person to know about this regardless of what his reaction will be.

for jungkook's arrival, he had prepared a small brunch in the garden, deciding to test the waters first while he talked with jungkook. he just have to find the right time to blurt the news out.

although, as the clock ticks by, all the waiting now had just made him very nervous as he had been pondering as to when he had exactly got pregnant. jungkook and him are active, very active but they had been very careful -

"oh shit, valentines"

taehyung's eyes were wide as he remembered the events of valentines night. how he had told jungkook he was on the pills and they didn't have to worry and how the dominant male very much took advantage of it making love with him til sunrise, spilling countless of times inside of him.

he let out frustrated groan at the realisation, they didn't have sex without a condom after that. jungkook had decided to stick with the condoms despite him taking the pills which were still supposed to be taking effect.

well, jungkook was correct about that but it's too late since his little active sperms seemed to have successfully reached the golden egg and voila he's pregnant. unexpectedly.

it wasn't long until taehyung heard the familiar honk of the car and the sound of keys as he heard their front door open and close.

he momentarily forgot all his worries as he shoved the test sticks in his pocket, feet immediately making its way to the main hall of their house.

"jungkookie!" the brunette male exclaimed, wide eyes practically sparkling at the sight of his husband.

"hey, baby." jungkook was quick to drop everything he was holding as the brunette lunged at him. the dominant male's hands quick around the smaller male's waist as he engulfed him in a tight hug as he gently spinned them around making the other giggle. his head burrying in the crook of the brunette's neck as he inhaled his scent.

"i missed you" the brunette murmurs, voice muffled against jungkook's shirt, hands tightly clutched on the fabric.

"i missed you more, baby" the blonde male replied, breath hot on the other's skin as he pressed a soft peck on the petite male's exposed skin in between his neck and shoulder.

taehyung was the first to pull away as he shyly gazed at jungkook, a soft blush on his cheeks at their close proximity. his hazel brown eyes flicking from the dominant male's curious gaze to his pink lips.

he gently cupped the dominant male's cheek, his eyes fluttering close and claimed his husband's lips, the action startling the other but responded as he smiled into the kiss.

jungkook let the brunette male lead the sweet, gentle kiss. a hum erupting from his throat as he softly caressed the other's side, his rough palms against the thin fabric of the brunette's white dress.

"i love you." jungkook murmurs in between the sweet kiss, the three words instantly making the brunette's heart flutter and stomach swirling with butterflies.

"i love you."

a comfortable silence had engulfed the two as they stayed wrapped in each other's warmth, jungkook slowly swinging their bodies back and forth as he hummed.

the action made the brunette's heart skip a beat as this had been a little thing of theirs whenever jungkook arrives after they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

the dominant male would hum a song with him wrapped in his arms, swaying their bodies as if they were dancing in a room with romantic music.

the brunette giggled as jungkook had slowly twirled him around and pressing soft kisses by his neck before he continues to hum.

"did you like my song of choice?" the blonde male asks after awhile making the brunette let out a chuckle as he nods.

"very much, mr jeon." taehyung replies as he pecked his smiling husband's lips.

jungkook would've continued to devour his husband if not for the brunette pulling away and shyly peered up at him.

"i prepared a small brunch in the garden..." the brunette softly informed, not knowing why he had suddenly felt shy. it was probably the fact that he wasn't much of a cook, it was usually jungkook in the kitchen for their own safety as he had the ability to burn down a kitchen from just cooking eggs.

he still tries to cook especially if jungkook would be back after leaving for a long business trip knowing he would be tired and all. there's always the option of food delivery or take away as his last resort but he wanted to at least make an effort.

"then shall we head to the garden, my queen?" the blonde male says as he extends his tattoed arm for the other to take who giggled as he accepts his hand.


taehyung couldn't help but feel nervous, palms sweaty as they ate, not because of the pregnancy test that he still had to tell jungkook, no, that was not his concern at the moment but rather his husband eating the lasagna that he had cooked.

"how does it taste?" the brunette asks as he bit his lip. "i actually had food delivery in the kitchen just in case it tastes... weird." he shyly admits.

the food he had ordered sitting in their kitchen counter, ready to be taken at any moment just in case his lasagna wasn't edible.

the blonde slightly frowned at the information but then widely smiled as he gently took a hold of the other's hand resting on top of the table.

"what are you saying? it's really delicious, baby. and don't think i'm lying i swear it's good just maybe add in more cheese next time." jungkook said with a wink as he sees the brunette's tensed body relax.


"yes, it's really good. i'm actually surprised." the blonde replies teasingly that now made the brunette fully relax as he rolled his eyes.

the jeon couple continued to eat, jungkook telling him about his business trip and taehyung also telling him about his lonely days when he was away that just made the blonde male laugh at how dramatic and exaggerated the brunette had made his stories sound to be.

"thank you for the meal. it was really delicious, baby." jungkook says as he had now stood up and went over to the brunette's side, pressing a kiss on the top of his head.

"glad you liked it." taehyung shyly replied, happy at the praise as the dominant male pulled him up to his feet and wrapping him in his arms.

"guess, i don't have to worry about you burning the house when i'm away." jungkook teased making the other pout and playfully hitting his arm.

"i'm kidding, baby. let's just say our future kids wouldn't have to worry about eating burnt eggs or pancakes." he then says jokingly.

the comment made the brunette's body stiffen remembering what he still had to inform his husband.

maybe he should just say it now.

jungkook hadn't noticed the troubled expression of the brunette not until the smaller male gently pulled away, wide eyes on him.

"jungkook, i'm pregnant."

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