seventeen: epilogue

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a few months later

soft giggles can be heard from a certain brunette who was currently settled under a shade of a cherry blossom tree, eyes admiring his silver haired husband seated beside him playing with their son.

taehyung lightly chuckled as the small boy's wide eyes looked up at his papa who was making faces in attempts to make him laugh and sure enough jungkook received a toothless smile from the baby in his arms.

the silver haired male gently brushed his thumb on the baby's cheek who was still making happy squeals, small chubby hands taking a hold of his papa's finger. face scrunching very similar to his own.

jungkook's eyes were soft and full of love as he gazed at his son not understanding how much this small bundle of joy was making his heart full and warm.

taehyung on the other hand was quietly eyeing the two with a smile on his face not wanting to disturb the peaceful bond that they were having.

after the accident, a lot has changed for the taekook couple.

for starters, jungkook had very much loved and embraced being a father, being too attached and overprotective of the smaller jeon - far from the jungkook who had rejected the news of his husband's pregnancy the first time he had heard it.

they also had moved to a bigger house as jungkook wanted a bigger garden where their son and future children could happily and safely play in.

the move was very much a surprise for the brunette as jungkook had casually made the announcement during their celebration of jeon taejun's first month, surprising him with new house keys.

as much as taehyung was skeptical by the sudden purchase, he immediately fell in love with their new home as soon as he laid eyes on the huge garden especially with the big cherry blossom tree.

most of their afternoons would be spent here in the garden and basically enjoying the company of their little family especially that jungkook now had been taking longer time off work - like during the early months of taejun, he had left the company in the hands of hoseok, his secretary and had become a full time husband and father for his family.

taehyung very much loved this side of the silver haired male, he loved seeing him with taejun and overall loved how they got to spend more time together.

but if there's one thing that bothered him was that jungkook had already now voiced out his opinion of having more kids which taehyung liked however, it seems the dominant male wasn't just settling on two kids.

he really means more.

the topic would always make the brunette a blushing mess and jungkook somehow enjoyed in teasing him as the tables have seemed to take a turn, either way he wasn't pressuring the brunette about it and well, it'll just happen if it's meant to be.

"he's sleeping so peacefully." jungkook murmured with a chuckle making the brunette turn his attention to the father-son duo seeing that taejun had now fallen asleep, small hands still wrapped around his papa's finger.

"should we lay him upstairs?" taehyung asks as he pressed a kiss on top of the little boys head.

"i guess so, so he can sleep more comfortably." the older agreed.


warning: sexual content

the taekook couple were now cuddled on their bed, a movie playing but both were not paying attention as they were more preoccupied with being connected to each other.

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