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"tae... " the blonde male was the first to speak as he gently took a hold one of his husband's hands, the brunette biting his lip as he looked at up the other. eyes wide and innocent.

a brief silence had passed in between them, the brunette's eyes now on their intertwined hand as jungkook's finger softly caressed his skin.

"i'm sorry... i'm so so sorry..." jungkook speaks first unable to keep in his tears as he started to cry, breaking down. hands tightly clutched on his husband.

despite the slight numbness the brunette was still feeling in his body, he scooted over closer to his husband and wrapped him in his arms as his own tears unconsciously flowed down his cheeks.

"i'm sorry for all the awful things that i said, i'm sorry for letting this happen to you... i'm so sorry..." jungkook cried, eyes pooled with tears of regret, longing as he looked up back at the brunette who shook his head whispering a series of 'no's.

jungkook had nothing else he could say but to apologise even though he knew his words weren't enough to make up for everything that had happened.

"i was so scared of becoming like my parents not knowing that i was already becoming a shadow of them... i always said to myself i don't want to be like them and let my family, my child experience what i had to go through but i - " jungkook cries out as taehyung now hugged him close, cradling his husband in his arms. "i'm awful... i'm so sorry... this is all my fault..."

jungkook's pained cries filled the room, the younger wanting nothing more but remove the guilt the other was feeling.

he held him tight before speaking, his words making jungkook's heart clench.

"you're not at fault, jungkookie and you're nothing like them... " the brunette murmured, heart breaking at the sight of his husband in tears as he gently cupped his cheeks to make him look at him.

taehyung never liked seeing jungkook like this. he hated how the blonde male was still haunted by the environment and ways his parents had brought him up; unloved and unwanted.

he hated it, he hated jungkook's parents for not giving him the love and family he deserved.

yes, jungkook had already changed and left the bad habits he had been doing after meeting taehyung but the lingering issues with his parents was still there, the fear of still ending as a failure and a disappointment for taehyung. the thought of not being worthy of his love.

taehyung had only officially met jungkook's parents once and it was enough for him to know what kind of person or parents they were.

the blonde male never really wanted the brunette to meet his parents since well, they really weren't parents to him after all but taehyung wished to have their blessing too before they get married.

however, both of them ended up disappointed as neither of the blonde male's parents actually cared. if anything, they were hoping to get some financial support as taehyung looked well off.

that was the last straw for the blonde male and decided to cut all ties with them after that meeting as firstly they hadn't respected the brunette at all - his father shamelessly joking inappropriate comments at the younger and his mother not really caring to any of it and even offered the younger if he wanted to try taking some pills and drink despite jungkook telling them to stop as it was making the brunette uncomfortable.

long story short, they've never seen them after that and filed a restraining order to both of them as his father had approached taehyung once asking for money, threatening and telling him that jungkook was just using him for money and his body when he refused to hand in cash.

"i-i should be the one apologising too, i wasn't careful enough..." taehyung admits as he fiddled with his fingers, gazing at them before looking up at his husband.

in the first place he was the one who opted to make love that night without extra protection, if he had been more careful then none of this would've happened too.

the blonde male quickly shook his head, wiping his own tears before he lightly pressed his lips on the other's forehead and planting a soft kiss, hands caressing the younger's delicate ones.

"no, baby. let's... let's not blame each other anymore..." jungkook says as he pulled away and gently rests his forehead against the other's own, eyes locking on the innocent pair of brown orbs.

putting the blame on either of them wouldn't really resolve anything. if there's one thing he had realised now and learned; that night they both decided to make love and crave in with their desires - they were both responsible for everything.

this experience had also slapped him with reality, it was like a wake up call that he was taking everything for granted - he was taking taehyung for granted.

he had been selfish, thinking of only himself and not thought of what his rejection and actions would do to taehyung and the baby. he said he wouldn't be like his parents but he almost broke his own family apart.

taehyung and him were completely from different worlds and somehow destiny had decided for them to meet.

the brunette was too innocent and too pure, the total opposite of jeon jungkook. taehyung could've easily chosen to be with a person more fitting for someone like him.

he wasn't hard to like or love, people just easily fall for him without the younger even trying and that's what had happened to jungkook too - he fell for him, someone he thought he didn't deserve but somehow they ended up meeting in this lifetime.

the brunette had seen that he was worthy and choose to be with him despite all his flaws, despite his dark past and upbringing. even when his own parents had said he was nothing but a mistake.

taehyung loves him and trusts him.

and he almost fucked it up. well, he did and now he wants to make things right.

"i... i almost lost you... you and our baby..." jungkook murmurs, voice small and laced with fear making taehyung bit his lip at the thought of leaving the blonde male all alone and the pain he had to go through if that happens.

jungkook didn't want to experience loosing taehyung ever again.

he wouldn't be able to take it anymore.

"w-we're both responsible for everything, let's forgive each other and ourselves for all that had happened. we can't undo yesterday and what had passed... what's important is you two are safe... that's what matters the most..." jungkook replied as he gently wiped his husband's tears, eyes softly gazing at the other's own before flicking down on his husband's pregnant stomach and pressed a lingering kiss on his forehead.

the brunette nods as a small smile had now made its way to his lips, his chest feeling lighter as if a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders. eyes becoming more teary once again as he felt happy and relieved.

"i love you." the blonde male murmured, gently cupping the brunette's tear stained cheeks who leaned into his touch.

"i love you." the brunette replied before jungkook softly pressed their lips together as a seal of their love and trust.

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