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taehyung had been crying the past few hours, his eyes red and swollen, mouth dry as he hiccups.

he had been calling and texting jungkook asking where he was as it was already passed sunset but had gotten nothing which eventually led him to be in a pool of tears once again.

he had been starring and checking his phone hoping to at least a text back but the blonde male hadn't even seen his texts.

he planned to go out and maybe look for jungkook but he was also conflicted what if he comes back and he wasn't home.

the brunette sniffled as he went downstairs to get a glass of water, phone tightly clutched in his hand as it was literally his only way of communicating to jungkook at the moment.

he checked the time seeing it was already about seven in the evening, contemplating if he should give jungkook's secretary a call or ask around in the office about his whereabouts.

he shook his head not wanting to waste another second as he dialed the number to the blonde male's office, ringing for a few seconds before he heard jungkook's secretary, jung hoseok on the phone.

"hoseok-hyung? it's me jeon taehyung."

"oh, oh! hey taehyung." hoseok greets a bit startled as the brunette rarely calls in the office line since why bother when he could just directly call the boss.

"i'm sorry for calling in this late, are you still in the office?"

"no worries, yeah, i'm actually getting ready to leave. what can i help you with?" hoseok's cheery voice asked not wanting for the other to feel bad and uncomfortable with the late call.

the brunette bit his lip, feeling a bit embarrassed that he had the need to ask the company employee about where his husband is.

"is... is jungkook there?"

"mister jeon? no, i'm sorry but he's not here. i believed he had taken the day off since he just came back from a business trip."

"oh, i see." taehyung mumbled, tears forming in his eyes again as he bit his lip. the information making him more embarrassed, his husband had taken a day off, if there was a person who should know where he is it should be him.

a brief silence had passed before the secretary decided to speak again not liking the awkwardness in the air.

"pardon me but is everything alright?"

"yeah, yeah... i just couldn't contact his phone at the moment so i thought you'd know where he is."

hoseok could feel that something else was going on but decided not to comment not wanting to be rude and meddle with the couple's business. although, he also couldn't help but worry as this had never happened before.

jungkook never leaves or goes anywhere without his husband knowing, if there'll be someone they needed to ask about the other's whereabouts, it would be taehyung not the other way around.

"if you want, i could make a few calls to the other offices and see if mr jeon is there? i'll also check our site locations, he might've decided to do some visits." hoseok offers already opening his directory for the numbers of the jeon establishments.

the brunette nods as if the other could see him, thankful for his offer and that he didn't ask more questions.

"thank you, hoseokie-hyung. let me know if you find out about where he is and i'm sorry again for the trouble."

"of course, don't worry about it. i'm sure he'll call or text you when he can, his phone might've died or something." hoseok says in attempts to lighten up the sour mood.

"yeah, hopefully i can contact him too. thank you, hoseokie-hyung."

the brunette ended the call, a sigh leaving his lips. his mind bewildered as where jungkook could be.

his eyes caught sight of the pregnancy test kits on the trash bin that the other threw making his chest tighten, a surge of mixed emotions running through him once again.

was it really his fault? he reassured jungkook that nothing like this would've happened. why did he even bother telling the blonde male knowing where he stands about him getting pregnant. he knew about jungkook's past, he knew the blonde male wasn't ready but still he wasn't careful.

maybe all this was really his fault and if jungkook leaves him, he was the only one to blame.

the brunette didn't know he had started crying again not until he was sobbing uncontrollably, endless tears flowing down his cheeks. the thought of the blonde male leaving him was crushing him inside, he can't imagine his life without him.

he's feeling scared and he wants to be in his arms. he just wanted jungkook.

he's willing to take all the blame and make things right. he'll follow whatever he wants to do, he'll do whatever he decides when he comes back.


taehyung didn't know how long he was seating in their living room, the tv that he had turned on in low volume his only source of light and sound just for the sake that it wasn't too quiet as the silence in the house was just a reminder to him that he was all alone.

he rubbed his eyes trying to get rid of his tears that just doesn't seem to stop as he got his phone and seeing a text from hoseok that made him immediately sit up properly as he opens the message.

"hey, taehyung! i just got a text from one of the employees in our site gangnam and said that mr jeon is there. it seems he's with a few of the investors, probably discussing something work related. let me know if you still need help with anything. have a good evening!"

taehyung didn't know what to honestly feel about the news. he felt relieved that he knew now where his husband is but their only site in gangnam is a nightclub and yes, he's with investors but a meeting in a nightclub at eleven in the evening doesn't sound too right.

the brunette shakes his head, quickly typing a 'thank you' text to hoseok before sending another text to jungkook saying that he'll wait for him to get home.

he sighs as locks his phone, pulling his legs close to his chest as he burried his face in between his knees.

he doesn't want to think about anything right now, he trusts jungkook and besides, he was the reason why they were in this mess right now.

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