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taehyung hadn't seen jungkook for six weeks now.

he had been counting the days and the thought of just having to endure just one more week was making his mind go crazy.

he had busied himself with work, teaching and helping out at the day care during his free time even if he didn't have to. he just didn't want to be alone in the empty house and being all sullen about his husband being away.

he somehow was able to handle the days that had passed by, his only major problem with jungkook being away is at night. he has trouble sleeping alone - the reason why the blonde male had always prepared a bunch of pillows on their bed before he leaves.

the brunette very much appreciated the gesture and it actually helps him a bit to sleep better but he sometimes still couldn't help but feel lonely.

the past few weeks had also been weird for the brunette with one, him missing his period twice now and two he seemed to be too exhausted lately and feel light headed especially in the mornings. although, he had first concluded it was due to his anxiety and stress.

he hadn't thought too much about it not until jimin had joked about him acting like a pregnant lady when he refused to eat the food delivery he literally ordered saying he doesn't like the smell of it.

things were starting to build up in his head, things he was speculating but at the same time didn't want to.

it wasn't until one morning where he had woken up with the sudden urge to vomit plus a throbbing headache.

the brunette dashed to the toilet, emptying his stomach with all the food he had ate the night prior.

"i think i might've ate something weird..." taehyung mumbled as he was in the phone with jimin telling him that he can't go to work as he was feeling really sick.

the pink haired male was silent at the other side, mind contemplating if he should voice out his opinion but eventually decided to do so.

"tae... i'm not saying you are but you've been really weird the past few weeks." jimin starts with taehyung humming in agreement, still feeling a bit dizzy.

"i must've gotten the flu or something..." the brunette murmurs not really minding now what the other was saying.

"actually, tae... i think you're pregnant." jimin blurted out, trying to be calm but couldn't help but squeal at the thought of his best friend with a child.

contrary to the other's reaction, taehyung's eyes turned wide. face turning pale and mouth going dry, full attention now over to his friend on the phone.


"i mean, i've been noticing you've been very picky lately and you seem to be always tired or just you know pregnant people things..." jimin comments as the brunette wasn't that type of person, he basically would shove any food in his mouth. "and didn't you say you missed your period twice now?"

taehyung gulps as he processed everything jimin was pointing out. he always had regular periods so having a sudden skip was something unusual in his cycle, he also wasn't a picky eater as he believed that every food is a blessing and he had been feeling tired lately, getting morning headaches but he had always thought it was just due to work.

but now he might need to reconsider things.

"there's no harm in trying, maybe try a pregnancy test?" jimin suggests, the brunette now anxiously biting his lip as a hand lay on his tummy.

"i don't know jimin..."

"oh, cmon at least you'll get the possibility off your head if it's negative and we can actually worry that you're just sick sick."

"but what if..."

"what? it comes out positive? then we'll celebrate of course! i've been lacking baby interaction so you being pregnant is a yes for me." jimin exclaimed but it just made the brunette anxious.

if only jungkook felt the same way of lacking baby interaction.

"you'll be fine, tae. just go ahead and buy some and voila we'll get a result. no human and baby would be harmed, yeah?"

taehyung sighs as he nods his head as if jimim could see him. "okay, fine... i'll take a pregnancy test."

the pink haired male was squealing and shouting on the other line making the brunette smile as well despite the anxiousness he was feeling.


taehyung had made a quick trip to the pharmacy store after his call with jimin.

he ended up buying three types of pregnancy test kits - one that shows results with a pair of lines, one that changes colour and another that basically shows the words 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant' on it.

his hands were shaky as he took out each of the pregnancy sticks after reading the instructions.

he doesn't know if he was nervous about taking the test or getting results or jungkook's reaction if jimin's suspicions were true.

the thing is, he had been thinking about it all day after talking with the pink haired male and it was all just pointing down to what he had said.

he even looked up pregnancy symptoms which he probably shouldn't have as it just made him more stressed out.

the brunette was soon pacing around the room, hands clutched tightly on his phone as he would check the timer he had set every now and then.

the pregnancy test sticks settled in the bathroom counter while he lets the time pass for the results.

he had settled by the bed, momentarily lying down as he suddenly felt dizzy which just made his nerves more unsettled as the clock ticks by.

he didn't want to admit but he was having mixed feelings of what he wanted the results to be.

a part of him was hoping for it to be positive as he had longed wish to have a baby of their own, a fruit of his and jungkook's love but a part of him was also suggesting that it should turn negative knowing where his husband stands regarding them having a child.

his timer soon went off, the brunette instantly springing up his feet and headed inside the bathroom.

he slowly approached the test sticks, his eyes wide, heart wildly thumping in his chest.

his breath hitched as he inspected each pregnancy test sticks that all showed the same result - a pair of parallel lines, a change of colour and the word 'pregnant' in big black digital letters.

"oh god, i'm pregnant."

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