Ch 6- A Creature of a Different Color

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Artemis' thoughts went blank for a few seconds, the same thing happening to Reiji and Subaru. Their eyes stayed glued to the two bodies sprawled out on the floor, not even breathing or twitching. Her body didn't feel like her own anymore.

Understandable, considering there now two male vampires inside of her that were just as confused as she was.

She took a deep breath to steady herself before talking slowly. "Um... what do we do?" Somehow, she felt like her thoughts were directed more toward Reiji.

"I... I do not know," Reiji replied. She felt her own shock on top of Subarus. He always knew what to do.

'Talk about the Twilight Zone,' she thought to herself.

'I can hear you,' Reiji thought back.

'Great,' she sighed, mentally blushing. 'Now my thoughts are not even private.'

'I have read your thoughts even without being directly in your mind. You do not have to be so shy,' Reiji stated. She felt her cheeks burn and her anger flare slightly.

"I am just going to walk into the bathroom," she said, even slower than before.

"You don't have to talk so slowly," Subaru huffed. "We're not children."

"Sorry. I just do not know what to do," she replied. "It is not like I have experience with this."

"How you think we feel?" Reiji and Subaru asked at the same time.

A shiver ran up her spine. She wasn't sure how, but both their voices came out at the same time. It felt strange and made her chest vibrate in an awkward way.

She carefully stood and walked over to the bathroom. She flipped on the light and looked in the mirror. Her eyes widened. Her left eye was its normal shade, while the left kept flashing between light crimson and deep scarlet.

Her hand moved and touched her cheek beneath her eye. What frightened her, though, was the fact that she hadn't moved.

"Now I know what a strobe light feels like," Subaru said, having been the one to move it.

"You would compare this to that," Reiji said, both eyes turning light red for a few seconds.

"You got a problem with my comparisons?" Subaru asked angrily, the eyes turning scarlet.

"No, but I have a problem with your grammar," Reiji replied.

Her left eye went to scarlet and the right crimson as the two argued back and forth.

"Will you too just stop?" she yelled over them. "This is how we got into this mess in the first place."

"We got into this mess because you don't know how to keep your lips to yourself," Subaru stated, one eye golden and the other scarlet as Reiji seemed to step back.

"I beg your pardon?" she asked, her eye widening.

"You know what I mean," Subaru snapped.

"I do not think I do," she said, her eye narrowing. "Why do you not enlighten me?"

"I mean you come into this house talking like any other human then decide you want to be all proper after hearing Reiji talk like that. Then you flaunt yourself in front of us and expect us not to do anything about it. I kiss you and you say nothing about it. Reiji kisses you and you act like you just found the Holy Grail. How exactly am I supposed to take that?" Subaru ranted.

"For your information, I have always wanted to talk this way but every time I did, I was called a freak and so far stuck in the eighteen hundreds people were surprised I did not need a man with me just to cross the threshold of my own home. Excuse me for thinking I had finally found a place where I could be myself," she said angrily, feeling Subaru pull back slightly. "For another, I did not nor do I flaunt myself anywhere. The way I walk is the way I walk. If you want to be horny every five seconds of the day like Laito and presume that I am flaunting, then be my guest, but I will not sit by idly and let you call me a working class whore. Lastly, what was I supposed to do about a kiss I was not even sure happened? I had just had blood taken out of me twice that day and I was tired. Not to mention dizzy. You did not exactly react to it either, Subaru, so how about you lay off my back?"

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