Ch 2- Night School

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Artemis groaned as the lights in her room were turned on. She buried herself deeper in the covers and threw them over her head to block out the light.

The covers were ripped off her body and she looked up in shock as the cold air hit her. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and realized Reiji was standing at the end of the bed, her covers folded in his arms.

"What was that for?" she asked.

Reiji stared at her for a moment, as if expecting a different reaction, before dropping her covers at the foot of the bed. "I was coming to tell you to get ready for school, but I can see now that I took too much blood last night. Just this once, I will let you stay home."

"No. I am fine," she yawned as she sat up and stretched. "I can go."

"You mean you actually want to go to school?" Reiji asked with a raised brow.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I?" she asked as she threw her legs over the side and put on her ballet slippers to keep her feet warm. "I like like to learn new things."

"Hm. The others in this house do not seem to share my appreciation for academics. It is refreshing to know there is finally someone who does," Reiji explained. "Your uniform is over there. Be downstairs in an hour." He turned on his heel and left the room, shutting the door behind himself.

She turned to an armchair sitting next to her bed and looked at what she was to be wearing.

Her school uniform consisted of a black school blazer with a black deep V-neck vest over a white button-up dress shirt with frills near the neckline. There was a white bow showing through the V of the vest and a red bow for the neck above the white bow. The bottom was a black uniform skirt that ended above the knees with a white petticoat underneath.

She picked picked up her toiletries and went into her personal bathroom. As she was drawing her bath, she realized she was wearing a nightgown rather than the clothes she'd gone to sleep in last night. She wondered how she'd gotten into it when she remembered Reiji had been the only one in the room with her.

A blush spread across her face as she tossed the nightgown to the floor, leaving her in her bra and thong.

"You have a nice body, Harlot-chan," a voice said from behind. She turned in shock to see Laito smiling seductively at her. She gasped as she grabbed a towel off the rack and wrapped it around her body. "Oh, don't be such a kill joy. That was a compliment." He stood from the chair and walked over to her. She backed up until her back hit the wall and he placed his hands on either side of her head. "I normally don't take to girls taller than me, but for you, I'll make an exception." He smiled as he opened his mouth and leaned toward her neck.

"I'm flattered, but could you at least wait until I'm done with my bath, please? I would rather be more relaxed before you do this," she asked monotonously, as if it didn't matter to her.

Laito sighed and pulled back. "Alright. I'll be waiting." She turned to reply, but he was already gone.

She waited a moment before slipping off her towel, bra, and thong. After turning off the water, she eased herself into the warmth and let it envelope her as she sunk to the bottom. She slowly opened her eyes, watching as her long hair floated around her and swirled like water on ice.

She sat up and let her breath catch up to her. When she moved the thick hair from her face, she jumped when she realized someone was kneeling next to the tub.

She brought her legs up to her chest and covered her breasts with her hair and arm. "Subaru? What are you doing in here?"

"I'm tired of waiting," Subaru stated. "Hold still and keep quiet." He grabbed the back of her head and tilted it back as he pulled her to the side of the tub before leaning forward and biting her.

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