Ch 11 (Part 4)- When Flood Waters Break

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No one knew what to do, a situation that seemed to happening a lot that day. The sight left everyone disoriented and unable to move. The scene held all the raw danger of staring at the sun for too long, but without the beauty, or even the danger of having a stare down with a cobra; you know the snake will strike eventually, but you don't know when, and you're too scared to run for the risk of being bitten.

Reiji and Shu were not holding anything back, hitting each other with all they had. Shu should have been stronger, being the eldest child, but that wasn't the case here. Reiji was just as strong, if not stronger, able to fully hold his own. A simple explanation would be that Shu's power as a Vampire had started to fade over the years due to a lake of energy and enthusiasm, but they'd all seen him exert great amounts of energy and power when need be.

Alice was the first to remember how to move her body. She turned to Kanato with great speed, placing her hands on his shoulders and making him face her. "What happened to Bunnicula?" He looked at her in question before realizing what she was talking about and reached into his pocket.

Bunnicula was being held up by the ears, the tips twitching now and again in annoyance. His little stuffed arms were bound in front of him and in feet dangled below the same predicament. Long pieces of grass were tied around his mouth, leaving him with only the ability to dish out muffled grumbles and highly insulting curses.

Alice looked back up at Kanato with a raised brow, to which he replied, "He almost buried Teddy. He had to pay somehow."

"I really don't care," Alice stated as she grabbed Bunnicula, untied him, and sat him on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Ayato asked as he looked over, having seen the movements from the corner of his eye.

"If we want any hope of breaking up this fight before it results in someone's death, we need to find the only two people who can stop it," Alice explained. "I need my bunny prince!" Everyone turned toward her, momentarily distracted from Shu and Reiji's continuing fight. Curiosity got the better of them and they stepped closer.

Bunnicula stood and kneeled as he started to glow. "I live only to bring joy to my Queen of Hearts." He started to morph, growing taller, but not by as much when comparing to Bun and Nic's standards.

He morphed into what appeared to be a young boy, around sixteen or seventeen years old, no less or more taller than Alice. He had thick black hair that came down to his shoulders in length and was characterized by cow licks at the ends; his bangs came down to where his ears should have been and, all except for one lock that hung in the middle of his face, were parted away from his face. He had big red eyes that were full of mischief and curiosity, pale skin, and soft yet sharp face, clearly still coming into his adult body. He wore a simple black suit with white stripes along the edges of his lapels and his white cuffs turned down above the end of his sleeves; beneath that he wore a white button down shirt with the collar turned up so it reached his jaw line, two tiny flaps turned down at the corners, and a red ribbon that matched his eyes tied in a long bow around it; on his feet were simple, neatly polished dress shoes. Sitting atop his head was a black top hat with a red ribbon tied around it, a red rose pinned to the bow on the right side; also pinned beneath the bow were three playing cards: a three of hearts, a five of clovers, and an ace of hearts. His hands were covered by white gloves and a pocket watch with a silver chain was held in his pocket, the chain reaching across the front of his suit and clipped to the other pocket. On his right shoulder lapel was pinned another red rose. Coming out of the top hat from the border was a set of white bunny ears, one sticking all the way up and the other halfway turned down.

Everyone who was watching, except for Alice, felt their jaws drop. Most of the them knew about Nic, and some were still processing that and the fact that Bunnicula could talk, but everything that had happened tonight was enough to give someone angina pectoris; thankfully, though, it didn't.

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