Ch 9- What Lies Beneath

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((For those reading this for the first or second time, there was some stuff missing from the chapter that I tried to fix. Hopefully it worked.))

Atherion slowly blinked her eyes, the sound of something tapping pulling her from her deep sleep. She yawned, her mind cloudy as she sat up on her elbows. She looked at the foot of the bed, realizing there was someone standing at the foot of it.

"Reiji! What the hell!? It's eleven o'clock in the morning!" she stated angrily as she sat up, noticing the taping of his foot being the sound that woke her up, the covers falling from her body. Reiji raised a brow, looking at her chest then back up at her. She looked down, realizing she was naked. Her freckles became all but visible as her face turned red and she pulled the covers back up. "What're you doing here?"

"I came to bring you your things," Reiji replied, nodding his head toward the door, where a fairly large suitcase sat, "but I did not think I would find you and this good for..." His eyes landed on Shu for a second before looking back at her. "I did not think I would find you two in this sort of state. I must say, I did not think he had it in him." His smirk irked her to no end.

"Well, he did. You may leave now," she said, waving Reiji off. He looked at her with a raised brow and a very angry glare. She sighed. "Reiji, would you be so kind as to leave here, please? It is highly improper for a man to see a woman in this fashion." Every word she said was cynical, but he still smile at her nonetheless.

"You speak of me seeing a woman, and yet I only see an underdeveloped adolescent," Reiji chuckled. She glared heatedly at him. "I will take my leave, then. Have fun with..." He looked between her and Shu again. "Whatever this is." He turned on his heel and left.

Her face flushed with anger and she covered her face with a pillow as she fell back to the mattress. She screamed into the pillow and tore at it with her teeth, coming very close to ripping it. She jumped when an arm fell across her ribcage rather heavily, but she didn't bother uncovering her face.

"You're loud in the morning," Shu stated, his voice partially muffled by the pillow his face was half buried in.

"I don't care," she replied, her voice fully muffled.

"I do," Shu said sleepily. She practically growled at him. He sighed. "Just don't rip or break anything."

"No promises," she stated.

Shu growled at her this time as he wrapped the arm that was on her rib cage around her and pulled her closer. He nuzzled into the curve of her neck. "Then I cannot promise not to bite your neck."

"Okay, okay!" she said, trying to squirm away, but to no avail. "I won't break or rip anything."

"Good girl," Shu yawned sleepily.

She looked behind her as she heard light snoring. Shu laid peacefully on his stomach, his thick blonde hair splayed out across his half covered face, which was still buried in the pillow. His eye was closed and she could see it flicker every now and again, like he was dreaming. She couldn't help but notice how relaxed he looked. He may seem lazy, but when she sat next to him, he always felt tense. Then again, if she had five younger brothers who were mostly in each others business, she'd be tense all the time too.

She bit her lip in thought. If she didn't act now, she'd be missing a golden opportunity she might not get again. Her hand slowly reached up as she extended her index finger toward Shu.

"If you poke me, it's either going to lead to kissing or an extreme act of violence," Shu stated, his voice still raspy and distant sounding.

"How are you doing that? You're still asleep," she said with wide eyes.

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